Chapter 1

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"Am sorry Ziyad, there's nothing I can do for now. I can't trust anyone, I hope you understand. We have to wait until it's all over, or at least until they give us the go ahead."

I try to look at him but I fail. How could I? Alhaji Sa'ad has always been like a father to me and right now knowing that I've failed him, I just couldn't find the courage to look at him.

I somehow manage to lift my head up, still avoiding his eyes, with a fake smile on my face I say "it's okay Alhaji, I pray this is the best for us all. Am so sorry I didn't do more, Insha Allah if you need me I'll be a call away."

I offer him a handshake and he pulls me into a side hug. "Am sorry Ziyad. I do trust you but since the EFCC has gotten involved there's nothing I can do about it" he apologizes for what feels like the millionth time patting my back.

I fake a laugh before saying "come on now, don't make me feel bad. I'm the one that should be apologizing, besides this is just a test from Allah and as believers we have to trust his plans".

He nods "you're right" he smiles "my regards to your mom please." He says. I smile again and nod before walking out.

I honestly can't even tell what hurt more. losing my job or hearing it from Alhaji himself?Being a suspect in such a hideous crime or the fact that I could have tried just a little harder to stop them but didn't? I think the worst part is being amongst the suspects.

I should have never trusted Nazif or any of them. But I did, that was my mistake and I understand that I have to face the consequences.

I walk past two men putting up a 'Under investigation' banner in front of the company building.

It's all their fault! This is a stain on Alhaji's name. And I was a part of this. I can't help but blame myself for this. If it weren't for me it would have never happened.

I get into my car and slam the door out of frustration. What do I even do? How do I tell Amma about this? How would she react?

I look at the adhkar car charm dangling from the rear view mirror that baba gave me before taking a deep breath.

"A week ago I was so sure you would be proud of me, but now? Am not so sure baba." I say under my breath, my eyes tearing up.

I caress it for a second.

I smile remembering how he followed me to the car and placed it on the mirror himself.

"So you won't forget to say your adhkar before driving, I know how silly you can be Muhammadu." He said.

Nostalgia brought back the memory of how he never really called me Ziyad, he preferred my first name,Muhammad. The only person who knew me like the back of his hand.

I recite my adhkar before turning on the engine. I put my phone on the phone holder and unlock it. I put the car in reverse and drive backwards.

"Hey siri, call Mubarak"

The phone rings a few times before he picks up as I drive out of the company premises.

"Assalam alaykum, Ziyad! How did it go?"
He says impatiently.

"I'm suspended without pay, until after investigations."

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihir rajiun, Khayr insha Allah. The truth will eventually come out in the open"

"Yeah well, Khayr insha Allah. Are you at the boutique?"

"Yeah I got here a few minutes ago"

"Great, I'll meet you there in a few minutes insha Allah"

"No problem see you soon, fi amanillah"

If there's anyone else I can count on, it's Mubarak. My cousin and best friend. He's a pediatrician and works at a private hospital nearby. A very hardworking person with absolutely no problem. The kind of person you'd call a man of God!

As I make a turn I couldn't help but think of what to do next. Being suspended was one thing but without pay? I didn't know what the next step was. I guess the little bit of relief is that Mubarak and I have a side hustle. We opened a boutique a few years back and things have been going well alhamdulillah. At least i can rely on this for sometime, just before the investigations are over.

I get to the shop in less than 10 minutes and I go in. After exchanging greetings with some of the workers, I head to our office where I find Mubarak on the phone. I lean against my desk and wait for him to finish.

"Okay thank you, we'll be waiting insha Allah."

He ends the call and looks at me. "Hey bro, you good?" He says and gives me a hug.

I look down, "for now, I am." I say and look up with a smile.

"How long is it gonna take? The investigations" he asks.

"I have no idea, about 4 to 5 months if am to guess. It's not a small problem." I reply. He simply nods before making a dua to which I say Ameen.

"How's everything here? And what about those abayas? When are they coming in?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"Pretty good Alhamdulillah, I was actually speaking to them when you got here. They'll be here anytime tomorrow insha Allah." He replies.

"Alright then, do you need me here? What can I help with?"

"I think you should go rest Ziyad, am sure you're tired"

"That I am, but i can help out with something." I say.

"Don't worry, Yusuf should be here in about an hour" he pauses to look at his watch. "I'll leave him the keys to lock up. Besides the rest of the boys are here so everything should be well insha Allah. I just want you to go home and get some rest" he says the last sentence in a tone that leaves no room for argument.

"Cool, let me know when you're done with your shift so I can come over, I have a few things I'd like to talk to you about." I say.

"No problem, will do insha Allah." He replies and I walk out gently closing the door.

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