27: Outside

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Sakura, Madara, Tobirama, and Hashirama met in their newly designed and built council room inside Hokage Tower. It was tucked away in a cleverly designed little hiding place, through a sealed door that only opened for the four of them. The entrance was a short corridor, hidden behind an archive. The walls were completely sealed, as were the doors, and windows. Though Sakura was glad to see they had access to the outside world by way of a glass door into a little courtyard. A necessary precaution in case of emergency, Hashirama told her. Also, he liked trees and fresh air. There was a table with cushions to sit at, a pitcher of water and four cups for them to drink from. Sakura had an itch to decorate the room a little one day, it seemed too stiff and bland for the amount of personality it was playing host too. She noted the bonsai in the corner and smiled a little.

"Welcome to our room," Hashirama announced proudly.

Madara looked around, appearing to be distinctly unimpressed. "This is lacking in...everything."

"It's extremely unappealing," Tobirama replied.

Hashirama's wide, hurt eyes turned to Sakura and she gave a half-pitying smile.

"The cushions look kind of nice?" She shrugged.

She heard Tobirama scoff and glanced at Madara to see his lips curving in a smile. Hashirama predictably stooped in posture, his face dropped into one of deep depression.

"Why don't I go shopping for some things to brighten the place up?" Sakura suggested.

Hashirama peeked at her.

"Provided the village pay for it, of course," Sakura continued.

"Not happening," Tobirama said. "We're not using village funds for a vanity project."

"It's not a vanity project," Hashirama mumbled dejectedly.

"All of you, sit," Madara scolded them. "Let's get this meeting over with."

"Don't bark orders at me." Tobirama glowered at him.

"Then stop wasting time," Madara shot back, glowering with equal annoyance.

Sakura tugged on Hashirama's sleeve. "I like the bonsai," she whispered.

He perked up again and beamed at her. "Me too!"

"Stop encouraging him," Tobirama sighed tiredly.

"Sit down, Hashirama," Madara repeated firmly.

"Why don't you tell Sakura to sit?" Tobirama asked Madara, as he lowered himself to the ground. "She's still wasting time."

Madara narrowed his eyes, his mouth set in a line of irritation. Sakura looked between the two of them shaking her head and then saw Hashirama wink at her.

"Because he likes me more," Sakura grinned, sitting between Tobirama and Madara.

"Disgusting," Tobirama muttered, shaking his head at her.

"Don't be jealous, Tobi," Sakura teased.

He rolled his eyes and Sakura settled more comfortably on her cushion, while Madara gave her a slightly exasperated look and she returned it with a little shrug and smile at him.

"So." She looked at Hashirama, who sat directly across from her. "Oh great Hokage, you who have summoned your humble servants, what are we doing here?"

Tobirama mumbled something unintelligible under his breath and looked up to the roof.

"For our work, of course," Hashirama replied brightly.

Sakura tried not to let her disappointment show. "Oh."

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