Sixty-Two : My Miracle

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》Lucideous' POV《

I cradle Amy between my legs on our new bed fitted for us, my hands around her waist and hers resting atop mine. She leans into me, her feeble body just now recovering. Luke lays on the ground on his stomach, coloring away on a fresh page of his book.

His coloring pal is absent, only her familiar keeping Luke company by sleeping on his arm.

"'I want to go home..'"

She mumbles in Latin, the only thing she's managed to speak since regaining her ability to talk. I kiss the top of her head.

"'I know love, I do too.'"

I reply gently, hearing her soft sigh. She leans back into me, wincing before cautiously leaning back all the way. She has sensitive scars on her back from him that they won't let me heal yet. I have to show "perfect behavior,"

Sit. Stay. Roll over. Good demon.


"'Hi Dad!'"

I smile and look down at Luke, who proudly exclaims the piece of Latin he's learned. He looks at his mother now, a little toned down with her greeting.

"'Hi Mom!'"

She smiles at him too.

"'Hey sweetheart.'"

He looks to me for translation with an awkward smile.

"She said hello back."

He nods in affirmation to himself and returns to coloring, only he's writing the words he's learned in the blank spaces. I'm glad he wants to learn, makes me proud. Karma turns over atop his arm, making him giggle.

Maybe when he's older he'll have a ferret of his own.

Amy suddenly sits up and turns towards me, her eyes anxious. 

"'Do you think...'"

She quiets, looking down as she trails off. She breaths in before continuing.

"'I'm.. Disgusting..?'"

I shake my head no, holding her hands in mine.

"'Of course not. You are perfection to me, in and out.'"

She still looks unsure, tearing up.

"'Even with... W-With what... He did to me..?'"

She sniffles, her head hung in shame. She's repeated this many times, and I give her the same answer.

"'Nothing can make me stop loving you, I promise.'"

She accepts my answer with a slow nod, repositioning and finally feeling comfortable enough to relax into me fully.

I'll kill him.

I close my eyes, focusing on touch. Amy's malnourished body refuses to heal, leaving only remnants of what once was. Her hair's started to fall out in small chunks, and she's gotten into the habit of chewing and picking at her nails to the point her fingers bleed. She's always alert and looking over her shoulder, jumpy towards everything. She needs to be sedated to sleep, otherwise the night terrors have her screaming.

She doesn't fight any of the staff, and she doesn't mind Max or Karma. She's trying to get used to being back with her family again, even if it's within a prison.

The thing she won't tolerate is Rozipel.

She keeps her distance; a cold, unwavering, hate-filled stare constantly aimed at him if he's present. Now, any instance I see Roz, we're taken to another room so she doesn't have to be like that.

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