(Fuck it) Part 20- the end

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I know I said this was discontinued but I don't want to leave this on a cliffhanger of any sorts and want it wrapped up nicely so I'm using all my creative powers I have rn to finish the story, I hope you enjoyed (:

Sci worked tirelessly and hard to get the AU defector up and running, managing to fix it quicker then the 12 hours he had originally promised "Oh lord thank you so much Sci" "If you don't mine me asking... what was that quake earlier? I know multiverse quakes happen in the antivoid and doodlesphere so alarm you guys of the balance but everyone in ScienceTale felt it here too" "I-I don't know.. all I know if that Error has been kidnapped and it seems someone much more powerful has taken his place, i fi find Error I might be able to find the culprit and put a stop to them" Ink's goofy and fun loving side has melted away and he's completely serious as the fate of the multiverse is hanging from a thread, "Is there anything I can do to help?.." "..I believe I might need help defeating this person, contact every Sans with an ounce of god like ability because is Error couldn't defeat him then I won't be able to on my own" "Right away"

After 30 minutes every remotely powerful sans is there, Dream, Nightmare, Killer, Alpha, Omni, King multiverse, Last breath and many more. Once everyone is there Ink stands on a stool and grabs all their attention "We are at a crisis, the multiverse could be destroyed if this is not handled properly, I have asked Sci to gather all of you as I need your help, you are some of the strongest Sanses and amongst you would've been Error, he is one of the strongest people I know and he was kidnapped by a seemingly unstoppable force that is on an AH destroying spree, if this is not stopped then the only thing that will remain will be Classic UnderTale while we're lest to dust in an empty void, hence why I plead for your help to stop this" Ink finished and looks around the room, being Meg with blank and unfazed faces that quietly murmur and confer with those around them "..please, stand if you want to join me.." only one person stands, well, thing, Mistake stands on his hind legs on a table, soon joined by those around him until almost everyone is stood up "Yes! Ok here's the plan....


...a large portal is opened up, flashing a beautiful array of violets almost like the northern lights, Ink steps up with Mistake on his shoulder "Good luck everyone" he goes through with everyone behind him.

They are all met with a mixture of black white glitching, a fucked over ting yang that is generously decorated with black strings that blend into some parts of the scenery. Nightmare speaks up "This place is fu-" he's hit off by a loud grumble as the floor quakes "Were running out of time, c'mon we gotta find them!" ink yells. Hours of searching and to no avail, not a single trace of the culprit or Error, "Maybe we should give up" says Omni, Dream responses with "It might be better to just accept our fates and live our last moments how we want.." "No!" Ink cries "We can't! We have to stop them! We have to get back Error!" Dream places a hand on his shoulder "Why? So Error can just do the same thing this new villain is doing just at a slower rate? Ink there's no point.." "I can't leave him." A laugh is heard from the small crowd of Sanses "Oh my god he has a crush on Error!" It's Nightmare, of course it is "I don't! I'm just not heartless and actually care about people!" "Well.. I mean I did kinda pick up a different aura from you when you started talking about Error.." Dream hesitantly responds. "Ugh it doesn't matter, we still have to help! Don't you all have people to get back to and love?!" Everyone goes a little quiet and Dream has a sense of small guilt loom over him "Exactly. Now come on!"

Ink drags the group along to search more and like some stroke of luck TT hey hear a commotion and Ink runs over "...Error?.."

"Oh um.. hey" Error is sat with some stuffed animals and is having an imaginary tea party, "Error c'mon let's get you out of here" "What? No it's actually alright here" "No it's dangerous" "Pff- what? No, 404 is really nice, he said I don't have to work as the destroyer anymore and he'll handle it instead" "what-" "yeah so I'm officially retired" "He's destroying the multiverse!" Error shrugs "I don't really have a say in it anymore" "No your meant to be the destroyer! I'm the creator! Your-!" Ink is cut off but a bigger multiverse quake and a bellowing voice from behind him "If your the creator then how come your not creating.." it's the bastard himself, 404. "I'll create your way to hell! What have you done to Error?!" "Nothing.. he's just relaxing for once.." traps the rest of the Sanses in a cage, summoning his strings and starts choking/hanging Ink. "Hey what're you doing?!" Error finally speaks up "Getting rid of our final problem" "you can't do that!" He swings at 404 but his fist is caught and he's through across the floor as he scoffs "Pathetic"

"...hissss" 404 turns around "The fuck?" A small calico cat is hissing at him, Mistake the only one left un-contained and ready to fight. "Oh my god this is ridiculous" he laughs as Mistake pounces on him, claws out and cuts the strings, dropping in and destroying the cage as he stcartches and claws at 404's 'eyes', 404 yelling in pain as he throws the cat off him, Mistake having given plenty of enough time for Ink and the others to apprehend 404 "I always loved Mistake" said Ink "I thought you hated him" Dream replied "I was... just being dramatic" "Yeah, sure, 'dramatic'" Ink chucks 404 into the deepest darkest most inescapable part of the void through a portal "Ha ha! We did it! Error did you see that?! Error?" Ink looks around for him and sees him on the ground "Error!" Runs over and tits him up "Hold on I'll take you to Sci" Error quietly interrupts him "No.. it's fine.. just.. just create a few more AUs and watch how many you'll create, the multiverse never needed us alive, it just needs out affects on it, if I forever affect you then I'm still here.. doing my job by having enlightened you.." he hugs Ink "Tell Geno and Fresh they'll always be my favourite people" "Wait what about me?" "Ink you idiot, I'm AroAce.. sure I blushed over things in the past but that wasn't because I liked you, it was always from embarrassment.. I'm sorry.." "No.. it's ok" Ink smiles "I understand, it's just good to have you as a friend" he hugs back as Error dusts.

...years later and everything is back to normal, Ink still creates but only paintings so the multiverse stays stable, Geno and Fresh were informed of Error's death and they visit his grave every other day, Nightmare and Reaper quickly got over Error and moved onto the people who were waiting for them the whole time, hell Killer and Nightmare are even getting married soon, Geno and Reaper have a kid called Goth too. And for Mistake? He tags along in Ink's exploration and adventures around the multiverse, but "for what exactly?" you might ask, I'll leave that part up to you...

..the end

Thank you for reading, I really do hope you enjoyed (:

(7th February 2023)
—> started 30th Mar 2021, completed 7th Feb 2023


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