Desolate Cries

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I have to give credit to crazypenguinlover13 for the amazing cover <3 Thank you so much and I adore it :3

Now I may not be updating this one a whole lot because I'm currently focusing on getting another really big writing project started and the prologue of that should be up by the weekend. So I'll be updating this maybe once a week or so if I can :D


Ever since that tragic day, life has seemed to change only for me. At first I didn't know what had happened to me or why I was so different from that point on. Why did everything change? Why me? I searched for these answers while learning more about myself on the way. This is my story.

June 8th, 2008

"Hey Iri! Why are you out in the middle of the street?"

"Ugh, Daymon I'm playing soccer with the kids!" I shouted back.

"Well finish up and play somewhere else. I don't want my sis to get squashed by a four-wheeler!" He half-shouted. Almost immeadiatly he started laughing as he pulled out a cigarrete.

"Four-wheelers don't come on cul-de-sacs nimrod!" I shouted as a matter-of-factly while trying to contain my laughter. I still hate it when he calls me "sis". His parents adopted me when I was 10 years old. At this time I was 15 and living happily unaware of what was about to happen shortly.

I was about 5'10 which was pretty tall for my age, and was very slim and lanky. I was the star of the track team back then. I had won medal after medal at every single track meet. I was unstoppable. I had crimson red hair with black bangs and the ends also dyed as black as an ethereal starless night. My hair often reminded people of a bright supernova that had been injected with the glow of a thousand lava flows. The bangs overlapped my right eye, covering the heavy, smoky black eyeliner and red fire eyeshadow. I was wearing my track uniform since I was supposed to attend an awards dinner that night. The blazing June sun beat down on me from the heavens- also known as the skies of course-, yet I didn't break a sweat.

Keeping up with 8 year olds at soccer did prove to be a very worthy challenge to me. After all, Daymon was the captain of the Silver Tornadoes soccer team in town. I looked over to the sidewalk to see Daymon waving his hands and screaming something inaudible to me. The kids seemed to hear him though as they ran to him.

I froze, not because I couldn't understand him. It was due to the fact that I couldn't hear anything except for an inaudible whisper, carried on the soft summer breeze. Everything was calm and quiet, until I turned my head forward. A black Mercedes came barreling towards me, and in that last second before impact, I heard that same whisper only now a voice.

"Hold on dear Iridescia, for you are about to receive your one true gift. And your true purpose at last. Welcome." That voice made my blood run cold, and sent perhaps the strongest chills down my spine that I had ever experienced.

Then everything dissolved into a sheet of black space as I took the force of the impact. Everything vanished and cumulated into a climax of dead silence. Except for the haunting voice that welcomed me into my sprawling inexistence. Or perhaps more commonly, death.

I had died. Or so I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2011 ⏰

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