Ch. 10

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"Neteyam?" I question in surprise, certainly stunned that he just showed up at my home.

"Hey, Y/n." He greets me, sounding slightly sheepish with a little wave. He has a boyish grin on his face that conjures a fluttering feeling in the pit of my stomach, and my lips turn slightly upwards unwillingly.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, not trying to sound rude, but it's kind of unexpected, having him show up at my house. "If my mom or dad saw you here, they would have you skinned."

His face gives off some scared expressions as he walks next to me and takes a seat beside me. I watch him walk the whole way, waiting for a response.

"You were super upset earlier, and it's been bothering me the whole day. Haven't been able to get you off my mind." He says with a smile as he looks into my eyes.

I gulp down my unexplained nervousness and begin to respond. "Is that right?" I ask, turning my head slightly so that the moonlight shines on his face clearer.

He nods and scratches the back of his neck. "Not to be a d*ck or anything, but you did say earlier that you would tell me later...and now is later, I guess." He stumbles on his words and sounds nervous.

I sigh and push the now cold food around once more. "Do you really want me to tell you?" I ask, not wanting to have to spill my past to someone who doesn't care.

He nods enthusiastically. "I swear, like I told you. All. Day. Long." I chuckle a soft laugh then let out a sigh.

"This is a part of my past that I haven't repeated to anyone and the most painful thing I have ever endured. It felt like I wouldn't be able to survive it, but it shaped me to be who I am today." He nods, clearly interested and showing all signs of paying attention.

"Okay, I understand." He says.

I gulp, trying not to choke on my words, and then begin.

"Tahia was her name. She was my best friend since birth. We were always at each other's sides and were inseparable. We would get in trouble together, and only on rare occasions would we not be sleeping in the same pod, either at my home or hers. From babies till when she was gone we learned everything together. Our mothers told stories about us as babies, the exact same as always, happiest when we were around each other. Our favorite story was the one where when we were taking our first steps, we did it at the exact same time while holding hands. I believe we were soulmates in a nonromantical way if that makes sense." He gives a nod that he understands, and I continue.

"She wanted to go out and explore past the reef. She hadn't had her first coming of Age ceremony yet, which meant that she wasn't allowed to go farther into the ocean. She always loved exploring, though, and she always told me it was as if the ocean was calling to her, drawing her to go out on adventures. One day, she told me that she was going past the barrier despite what the adults had ordered and said that I couldn't tell anyone, and if anyone asked, she was running errands or something. I was a little bit skeptical and knew the dangers that the ocean held, but she insisted that she would be fine. I still can't believe I let her go..." I need a moment to pause as regret fills my chest, and it is only growing harder to tell.

" We were at my flat stone when she dove into the dark blue water. That was the last time I saw her. I told her to promise me that she would be back before eclipse, and she swore so. With the brightest smile on her face, she did what her heart had always desired. Little did we know it would lead to her demise." I get choked up thinking about the scene, and Neteyam rubs my back in a comforting manner, taking my hand and rubbing circles with his thumb on the back of it.

Sympathy is shown through his movements, and I gulp down my feelings to continue on.

"She was gone all day, and my anxiety was growing higher and higher as time went on. I knew Eclipse was going to occur soon, and then there would be no way she could survive in the dangerous sea. But I had made a promise to her, and I don't break promises. The adults began asking questions. It was so much pressure. I answered the questions with things like "last I saw her she was gathering things" or "She said she needed to finish up some chores" they believed me at first, but by eclipse she still wasn't back so my parents forced the truth out of me." My eyes were growing watery, but I pushed forward, determined to tell my story.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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