Chapter 11

461 11 1

6 months later

Jisoo prepared food and set up the table to surprise jennie, while she's patiently waiting on jennie at their home for how many hours she didn't realize that she fell asleep and just woke up when jennie called her.

" What time is it " jisoo ask groggily

" It's almost 4 in the morning love, come let me take you to bed and let's rest hmm " Jennie replied to her wife.

" You can go first, I will just eat " jisoo said before walking towards the kitchen, Jennie followed her wife and she saw that jisoo prepared food, after seeing the effort that jisoo did she immediately walk towards jisoo and hug her.

" Love I'm sorry for always coming home so late, I promise after the problem in the company I'm all yours" Jennie said while giving her wife kisses which leads them on making love and now both of them are peacefully sleeping.


After jisoo found out the reason why jennie is always late, she clear her schedule for the day to prepare some food for jennie, and now jisoo is on the way to grocery store to buy the ingredients she needed.

Jennie's Pov

Jennie is so angry right now after knowing that her mom sell her share to the company to her bestfriend who is a real bitch, because right now there is a big problem that is happening, because the new share holder want to change the CEO which was Jennie, so Jennie is now fuming in anger at her office.

" Arghhh why did you do that mom you know that they can get the company that dad work hard to build, how can you do this mom " Jennie said to her mom on the other line, after saying that she immediately hung up, while pacing non stop her secretary enter her room telling her that someone was looking for her and when she heard that she try to calm herself and after a few of breathing in and out she tell her secretary to let the person in, she is standing peacefully while waiting for the person and when that person enter jennie's office, her blood boil because she didn't expect and don't want to see this person ever.

" What are you doing here taehyung didn't I told you that don't want you to come near me nor show your face to my wife ! " Jennie said angrily.

" Chill there ruby Jane babe, I just want to visit the company that I will manage and say goodbye to you, as this is your last day as CEO" taehyung said while smirking.

" Go now before I kill you! " Jennie said while pushing taehyung outside her office.

" Ruby Jane babe chill, I didn't come here to fight with you, instead I will just warn you " taehyung said after stopping Jennie.

" Stop calling me that jerk, only my wife can give an endearment and stop threatening me"

" But before you really like me calling you like that, and I'm not threatening you, I'm here to give you a warning"  taehyung said while smirking and walking towards jennie until jennie is trap in her table and when taehyung was about to kiss her Jennie kick his crotch " ouch babe that hurt, if you want to touch me you can just say so, no need to be brutal " he said while laughing.

" Go before I punch you and call security to drag you out " jennie said after kicking him.

" Listen to me first and after I talk I will go hmm" taehyung said but after not hearing any reply form Jennie he continue to talk " okay I will not harm your wife if you leave her  " taehyung said.

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