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"I like to smell my own farts."

Y/n pinched the skin between her eyebrows. Compose yourself, compose yourself, compose yourself, she chanted over and over again. She had to admit this wasn't the weirdest thing someone had ever admitted but it might've set the bar for the day.

She couldn't complain. Not exactly. The Secret Keeper Booth was her idea. She proposed it in a student council meeting and the committee was on board if only because no one really liked talking to the guidance counselor. He smelt like cheese and liked to pick his nails with a toothpick while students poured out their hearts about their dog of ten years dying. He was a nice man but sometimes it just didn't cut it. So the students decided to take matters into their own hands.

With the help of the theater tech kids, they made a booth akin to a confessional-one side for the keepers and the other side for the Secret-ers. Secret Yellers? Mystery Men? Y/n wasn't keen on what to call them yet but they made do.

And for the low price of one thousand won (all proceeds going to the school activities budget), you got seven minutes to tell your secrets and worries.

"Is that weird?" The boy on the other side asked.

Y/n opened her eyes and sat up, checking the time on her wristwatch (since they weren't allowed cell phones in the booth). Her shift had only started and she couldn't wait to get out of there if this was the kind of thing she was going to hear all day. Unfortunately, there were still four minutes on the stopwatch for this session.

The whole idea behind the booth was for students to tell real secrets and have real problems. It should be easy to do when you couldn't see the other person's face but she hated to admit it was things like this they heard more often than not.


She sighed. "The booth is only to tell your secrets. We cannot offer advice."

"Why not?"

"Those are the rules." As stated on every flier and posted on the outside of the booth for visitor convenience.

"Then what's the point?"

Y/n clenched her jaw. She could give the usual spiel about how they weren't licensed professionals and giving expert advice while not being experts themselves was against the law. Today she settled with,

"Sorry, but those are the rules."

"Then I want my money back!"

She rolled her eyes just as her stopwatch beeped indicating seven minutes was done.

"Your time is up."


"If you have any concerns, questions, or complaints please drop them into the mailbox at the student council room 7-D. Thank you for coming."

With a grumble, he left and Y/n slumped in her chair. Not the best start to her shift.

The hinges whined as another visitor entered the booth. Y/n propped an elbow on her knee and rested her chin against her fist. Only one guest in and she was already worn out. She didn't have high hopes for the next.

"Welcome to the Secret Keeper Booth where your secrets are safe and you can kiss your worries goodbye," she droned. The slogan could use some refining.

"Hello?" came a soft, velvety voice. Feminine. Light.

Y/n perked up a little bit at that. She sounded nice. Like she had something real to tell.

"So, I'm just supposed to tell my secret and then I go?"

Your secret's safe with me | Haerin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now