part-18(4 years later)

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sai pov
i always try to correct it
whenever i see it's entered as sai joshi
i never thought i will go back being
sai virat chavan
after that hospital incident
but i got to know that the dna test was not virat sirs plan
and that kaku did all of this
though she apologized to virat sir
i was totally mortified when i got to know
such a cheap plan of her
virat sir nor me felt we could live in that house any longer
especially with our daughter
as the negativity reached the peak
so we tried to move out from the house
luckily for us virat sir got a promotion and we transferred to a new city
we faced a lot of objections from the chavan family
but we tried our best to avoid it
with support my father
we made the move
and started my mbbs again
4 years don't know how it passed by
though i still see the chavan family especially kaku in some special occasions
i don't feel i should go back again
i have my family and i should protect it
as i was thinking about it
i was called by my friends
asking to sign up for a medical conference
with the famous doctor who goes by the name
who is he ?
virat pov
i never thought i will shift with my family from nagpur
separation was not what i expected
but it's been 4 years since the incident
i still couldn't believe what happened
why my family changed this much
though i have bit fully forgiven kaku
i was thinking would my daughter not get the love of a joint family?
i want her to be loved have relationships with family
as i was thinking about them
the gush of happy chirping made me see the happiness of my life
my 4 year old daughter akshara
akhara rushing towards me
to hug me
just looking at her makes my day
akhara: papa
virat:looks like some one had a good day
akshara: yes i had the best day
where is maa?
virat: you know the answer akshu
akshu; it looks like i will finish my school
but maa will not finish her studies
virat: really akshu
you will finish school
speaking of finishing school
let's get your mom
akshu: oh no
we are going to medical college again?
why can't we go out
virat: do you want your mother or not
akshu: no
virat: akshu don't say that
your mother will feel sad
akshu: she is bad
virat: akshu ..
virat pov
i could sense akshus frustration
but what to do
as she is frustrated with her mom
even i'm irritated
due to sai's exams even i'm not getting any action from her
i hope her exams end soon
i can't wait anymore
i hope at least this weekend i can take sai somewhere
atleast our bed
as i was smiling about my plans
askhus question startled me
akshu: papa
you know even toshu he had a baby brother
when will i have a baby brother
virat: here i don't have your mother near me
how will you have a baby brother
akshu: why do you need maa?
sai pov
something was strange
both father and daughter
were acting really weird
they were eating very fast
akshu: you will ask mommy right
virat: for sure but don't know what she will say
akshu: promise?
virat: promise
sai: what promises are you both talking about
virat: something mg daugher wanted
and i'm promising
why are you jealous
sai: jealous
i'm not jealous
it's just you both seem to be in your own world
virat: did you think
if you put your attention on us may be we would add you in our group
sai: what do you mean i'm not giving a attention
the food your eating
the clothes you both are wearing
who sets them every day?
you both do nothing
i ..
virat: but you also are not with us sai
sai: what ?
sai pov
i was talking to virat sir
but i received a message from my friends about the assignment
i was replying back to them
only to receive disapproving looks from the 2 old people
virat: sorry beta
if your mom is distracted like this
there is no hope for your promise
akshu: you are a fish mommy
sai: fish?
virat: she meant selfish
sai: akshu your saying too much
virat: let it go sai
don't be angry with her
atleast she says the truth
sai: what are you saying virat sir
just one more year
im so near to my dream
virat: we are not saying you to not achieve your dream sai
we are asking you to pay a fraction of attention to us
sai: what are you saying virat sir
you and akshu are my world
virat: if that's the case
you wouldn't have gone out for a whole week with friends
sai: it was a medical camp
i asked you if it's ok
you said to go
virat sir listen to me
sai pov
i saw both virat and akshu leave from the table
and went to play
why i'm i sensing my family going away from me
i'm i doing a mistake ?
kaku pov
i saw virats and his daughters picture in it the hall
i was happy to see it
but at the same time i was angry
that he chose sai above us all
i wanted to remove it
but then nenand and ashwini came by
kaku: nice picture
nenand: it was on akshus birthday last week
kaku: yes i remember i attended
but that sai didn't come at time
nenand : she showed up late because of her class
but we all enjoyed right vahini
kaku: enjoy?
when a mother doesn't think her own child
what's there to enjoy
ashwini: vahini sai is still studying
kaku: she is doing that since 4 years
what did she think about having a second one
ashwini: sai still has time vahini
she is very young
ashwini pov
i was trying to convince vahini
but then my bad luck arrived
with a suitcase
pakhi: she might be young kaku
but the time is ticking
virat is not getting any younger
and this family needs a heir
kaku: pakhi you are back
look at her
all the time she says what is right for the family
you don't know what happened all these years pakhi
we missed you
pakhi: and i missed everyone
i'm back for good now
i'm not going anywhere
ashwini: you mean you are not going back to london ?
pakhi: no
all these years i thought
i could move on
but no
my life is linked to this family
and enough of running away
i will fight for my rights
ashwini: please only fight for rights which you deserve
don't try to take which are never yours
pakhi: everything was mine kaku
it's just people didn't think of aksing me and snatched them away
i will not leave her
ashwini: if you do anything bad pakhi
i swear i will ...
nenad : ashwini stop it
why are you troubling pakhi
she just entered the house
and pakhi is also not saying anything wrong
sai might be young
but you can't ask virat to wait until he is 50
so do one think
talk to sai
ask her to plan for a child
ashwini: what?
sai pov
it was almost 9
and our daughter finally went to sleep
we carefully placed her on her bed
and were going away from the room
sai: she became so big
i can hardly carry her these days
virat: i don't feel it
sai: that's because you are a police officer
you have training
virat: if you want strength
why don't you ask me
sai pov
i could feel his naughtiness in breath
sai: what plans do you have dcp sir
virat pov
i didn't talk anymore
i was kissing her breathless
and took her to the bed
i was shirtless trying to remove her dress
but she stopped me
sai: not today
i have an exam tomorrow
i need to study
virat: this relives stress sai
come on
sai: virat sir ..
sai pov
as soon as i said that
virat sir wore his shirt and was leaving the room
aai: virat sir where are you going
virat: why do you care
afterall who i'm?
a middle aged man
you enjoy having romantic link ups
your wish
sai: virat sir you are talking rubbish
i need some time
virat: how much time sai
even in your vacation time
i don't see you
sai: i had to visit papa
virat: please you just needed an excuse of not being with me
tell me did you come to the honeymoon trip
i arranged
had an assignment
forget about me
what did you do for akshu
parent meeting
i attend it
dropping and picking up
i do
what do you even do
sai: i make her study
guve her a bath
get her ready for school
get you ready for your office
i'm a full time student
but i make sure
i'm always doing what's best for you both
what do you expect of me
virat: time
some family time
which you never give me
i know what happens in college
i also went to college
i'm not uneducated
sai: did i say you are uneducated
i'm in medical profession virat sir
it takes me time to learn
virat: stop lying sai
i know why you do this
are you taking revenge of the dna test?
i told you right
it was not me
sai: i know
it was not you
i apologized
and i'm grateful
that you have taken a stand for us
but please understand me
i have some limitations
i just want to graduate
i'm sorry if you are troubled by me
now please stay
i don't want the issue to be bigger
please virat sir
next time i will go wherever you want to take me
virat: promise sai
sai: yes
virat: then will you come to nagpur with me
i'm deciding to shift
sai: what?
author pov
will sai go to nagpur again
who is sc?
any guesses
let's see in the upcoming chapter
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