part-23(Samrats pain)

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sai pov
i was searching for akshu as the electricity was cut off
only to find her staring at a wall
sai: akshu what happened
akshu: i saw papa
he was here
sai: papa
why will he be here
papa is at work
akshu: no maa i saw him dancing with that bad kaku
sai: look akshu there is no way
in a million years that your papa will dance with kaku
you must have seen someone else
akshu: but maa
sai: no more
let's go to sleep
akshu: but i want to play
aditi didi said she will give me toys
sai: aditi
sai pov
i saw my friend trying to lure akshu with the teddy
aditi: im missing my sister
and also we are having a girls night
can we please paint her nails sai
once our party is done
i will give her to you
sai: why i'm i not invited to this party
akshu: because you are not cool maa
sai: come here akshu i will show you who is cool
aditi : we will get her please sai
sai: fine but no make up
last time you painted her whole face
aditi: i was learning face painting
sai: you are weird
aditi: btw did you see sc sir
mam wants to talk to him
about the schedule
sai: no
he was here some time back
let me check
you take akshu with you
and be careful
if you paint your face
i will complain to her father
he is dcp
he will not let you go easily
aditi: really sai
how lucky are you
you got the deal
sai: im lucky
don't know where he is now
i should also call him
first let me check on sc sir
pakhi; virat why are you packing hi everthing
i can't stay alone here
virat:  my wife and daughter are here pakhi
pakhi : so what's wrong in this
we are not doing anything wrong virat
can't two friends stay together
virat: do you have any idea pakhi
you are my brothers wife
i shouldn't have come here
my daughter saw me with you
what she will think about me
and what she will think about sai
i can't loose them pakhi
pakhi: virat
nothing will happen
you just stopped me from falling
what is there to think wrong in it
please calm down
virat : how can i calm down pakhi
they are my family
pakhi: and no one is taking them away virat
sai and akshu came for that medical conference
they don't even know or can find out that
we are here
so please forget all this
i'm telling you right
nothing will happen
here take this
your favorite drink
take it
virat: no i can't drink
pakhi: sai is not in this room
please drink
you need to calm your nerves
virat: thank you
you remembered my brand
pakhi: i remember everything about you virat
it's just you forget about me
virat: i never forgot about you pakhi
you are my friend
but .:
pakhi: but you can't stay close to me
as sai will get hurt
i understand
sai never liked me
she feels i'm a competition
fighting for your attention
virat: she shouldn't feel that pakhi
as her place is different from yours
she is my wife
pakhi: honestly tell me virat
do you love sai
virat: what question is this pakhi
of course i want sai
pakhi: want and love are different virat
anyhow let's leave i don't want to hear
you said you want to leave this hotel
come with me
i want to take you on a ride
virat: ride
pakhi: don't worry
it's just a car ride
and we can shift to another hotel
with two rooms
want to come with me
just the last time virat
as your friend
i want to spend one day with you
exploring this city
please don't say no
i can't take a rejection anymore
i never had a single day of happiness in my life
sai pov
i was searching for samrat
when i found him
crashing everything in the garden
sai: samrat sir
what happened to you
control yourself
your hand is bleeding
samrat: just go from here
sai: no not like this
wait let me do first aid
sai pov
i quickly bought the box
and bandaged his hand
sai: what's wrong with you sir
samrat: wrong
i'm always wrong
and now that i'm gone
they have become shameless
do you know how it feels to be betrayed sai
not to trust your partner
the marriage you wished to stay together for whole your life was just a sham
that your partner loved someone before
and now that leave
they moved on with their ex
i shouldn't be affected sai
but seeing them
i can't stand it anymore
sai: i understand you samrat sir
samrat: no sai
you can't understand me
no one can understand me
the pain of not your partner nor accepting you
sai: my case was not so different sir
i was pregnant 3 months
before i got married
the father was in a dilema to marry me or not
if you ask me
i shouldn't have been with that guy
who slept with me saying his ex..
i'm sorry
i can't say that
but yes what i mean is
marriages are not what we always dream off
they take time
struggle and compromise
i faced a lot
in some instances i was also asked the proof of dna
if that child was my husbands
i ultimately wanted to die
samrat: sai ..
sai: but they say right
everyone gets a realization
my husband stood up for me
for my child
promised me that he will never go back to his ex
and got me out from the disturbing
toxic environment
i also ask you to stay strong
and forget about the ex
move on with your life
samrat: it's a small word to say move on sai
but the hurt can never be forgotten
especially a brother
stabbing in the back
sai : which brother
samrat pov
i realized i was letting out everything to sai
i don't want her to know my ugly past
and spoil her mind
samrat: sai forget this
it's not my story
it's a story about a friend who was cheated by his wife and his brother
they are happy after destroying the husbands life
sai: i can understand people like this are only selfish
they don't understand the hurt of other people
don't worry samrat sir
karma is a bitch
they will surely get the blackslash soon
let me get you another bandage
wait here
samrat pov
as sai left
i saw sai's daughter come by
samrat: akshu why are you roaming alone
akshu: uncle
i saw papa again
he was leaving with his bags
i called him
but he didn't see me back
why is he not hearing me
samrat: what do you mean akshu
who is your papa
we will go and check
akshu: he is dcp virat nenad chavan
samrat: what?
virat is your father?
author pov
what will a samrat tell everything to sai
or plan a revenge for virat and pakhi
what will it be
will sai ever forgive virat
let's see in the story
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