Chapter four

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Sam knew something was off with his daughter, she kept asking him weird questions and wouldn't let him leave. She couldn't be possessed because he could still see the anticharm around her neck, but she wasn't acting right.

"What's going on with you?" Sam asked.

"Nothing, I'm sorry I'm being pushy, I've just been a little off," Mary responded. "I guess I just miss mom," she continued. Sam's phone went off and he looked away from her hoping she wouldn't notice. "You going to get that?" She asked. Sam didn't answer and Mary huffed at being ignored, she went up to her room and began doing who knows what.

"Dean?" Sam asked.

"Sam we need to talk like right now." Sam nodded and hung up the phone. Once Mary was out of sight he walked to Ezra's room and entered where he saw his nephew moving his leg nervously. Like he was going into shock, he glanced over at his brother expecting an explanation.

"What's going on? Why is Mary acting weird?" Sam asked demanding answers. "Ezra? Dean?"

"Sam you might want to sit down." Dean responded.


Roxy growled inside as she sat inside Mary's room, the constant pounding in her head was Mary trying to take back control, which Roxy wasn't going to allow. She needed a new plan to get her hands on the box and destroy it so she could finish her invasion that was interrupted by that rotten John Winchester and pesky Mary Campbell. Looking through Mary's belongings she stumbled across a sketch pad and glow in the dark paint, with a smirk on her face she began painting her plan onto the paper. No words left her mouth but everything in her mind was planning out, she would tear this family apart by convincing her 'father' that his brother was crazy and no one was going to stop her. The picture was finished and it looked like a nice painting of the bunker but all the glow in the dark paint made it appear it was on fire.

"Now Mary, you shouldn't be twitching in there when I'm trying to paint." Roxy scolded.

"Let me go!" Mary screamed.

"Aww what's wrong sweetie you're going to cry?" Roxy taunted and when Mary didn't answer she tsked and went back to her painting. "Beautiful don't you think?" Roxy asked. Mary still didn't say anything and Roxy scoffed almost as if she was disappointed but just in case she tried again, Roxy trapped Mary in her painful memory of drowning and what happened after. "Such a brat, my children would never do such a thing." Roxy put the paintbrush down and once she heard footsteps coming her way she ran to Mary's bed and pretended to fall asleep. The door opened and someone looked down at her, Roxy figured it was Mary's father so she closed her eyes. Whoever it was walked away, Roxy opened her eyes to see who it was but only saw the door closing. She growled under her breath but got up so she could continue her plan, all she needed was a way to tear everyone here apart. Unlike in the seventies where she had to rely on the radio, Roxy was able to use the internet and found a ton of tactics she could use.

Lying and manipulation with compassion is a leading factor in hurting relationships. The computer said once she typed in how to ruin a relationship without being caught. Roxy smiled as she read on and thought about how she could sneak away and grab the box. "Soon I will finish what I started so long ago."


Ezra didn't want to be that cousin but he needed to be sure that Mary or whatever that thing was didn't do anything rational he walked over to her room and before he pushed the door open he swore he heard movement. Cautiously, he grabbed the door handle and opened it, his institution kept telling him that something was wrong, he walked inside Mary's room and approached her bed but when he saw that she had been asleep, he turned and paused the minute that he saw the painting. Wait, painting? Since when did Mary paint? Ezra thought to himself, he thought about stealing it but whatever was inside Mary would definitely notice and make him look bad. His mother taught him a lot about paint so he realized that the picture had two different looks. It was meant to look beautiful but the glow in the dark paint showed its true colors. Thinking fast he took a picture of it without any sound or flash and left the room closing the door behind him. Heading back to his own room he looked at the picture and turned off the lights to see any clues. The image he saw paralyzed him as everyone in his family had gotten killed brutally, and some kind of box was nearby.

"Ezra?" A voice asked and Ezra jumped to see that it was Mary, or whatever was portraying as Mary. "What are you doing?" He hid his phone behind his back hoping she wouldn't see it. His empathic abilities weren't picking up anything unnatural but after learning about the Akrida from his grandparents, he knew he had to watch his back.

"Nothing." Ezra responded. "Shouldn't you be asleep?" She shook her head and made herself comfortable on his bed. "What are you..." He backed away as she tried to see what he was hiding.

"I don't like secrets E, why did you go into my room?" She asked.

"Don't call me that," Ezra responded harshly. He almost called her out but decided that if he wanted to keep the Akrida off his back, he had to act like he didn't suspect anything. "I'm not in the mood right now."

"I know what would you cheer you up," Mary responded. She grabbed his hand and attempted to cuddle with him like when they were small, however Ezra instantly backed away as he knew what the monster was trying to do. "Ezra?"

"Don't touch me!" Ezra exclaimed. "I know you're not my cousin and you're not going to convince me to engage in incestrial acts!" 

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