~[Chapter 1: Same old shit]~

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*Beep beep beep*

Monday, the beginning of a new week. Doing the same old routine over...and over. Get up, make coffee, smoke a bowl, work, hate life, go home, drink, pass out. The same thing Y/N has done for years now. Never changing a thing, stuck on the same schedule.

Y/N got up and went to the kitchen, which wasn't too far from her bedroom as her apartment was pretty small.
Reaching above the sink, Y/N grabbed out her favorite cup. The same one she's used since she got it on her 22nd birthday from her mom.

The coffee maker made a beep as she turned it on. She grabbed the pot and filled it with water and poured it into the back. Grabbing a spoon she scooped the grounds into the filter, slowly not to spill. The water began to bubble as it heated up and slowly dropped  into the pot below.

As the coffee brewed Y/N grabbed the bread off of the the fridge and tossed two pieces in the toaster. Just then the coffee pot beeped letting her know that her coffee was done. Before pouring the cup of coffee she went to her table and reached into her stash box. She grabbed her bowl and grinder and began packing a bowl with the weed she had left from last night. After the bowl was packed she brought it over to where she finished making her toast and coffee and went to couch. It was still pretty early so she decided to watch some boring reality tv, which wasn't unusual for her.

30 minutes passed and a buzz came from beside Y/N. The alarm on her phone began to ring letting her know she had to start getting ready for work. A sigh left her lips as she got up and put her mug in the sink and her plate in the trash. She dreaded getting ready every day...if was her least favorite thing but she needed the money to survive, and for her addictions.

Once she was dressed she grabbed her apron, purse,keys, and jacket and headed out into the chilly air of spring. Just a couple more months and it would be her favorite season, fall. Spooky season was her all time favorite, most of the time she felt like she was her real self during it.

Putting the keys into the ignition the car started up and the radio blasted. She quickly fumbled for the knob and turned it down. With another big sigh she plugged her phone in and turned on her everyday playlist and headed off to work.


Work came and went as it usually did. You have your Karen's and your students, but two customers stood out over the rest. Not because of their looks but because one was a very distraught mother with their child who didn't seem to understand what she was trying to teach him.

"Morty you have to pay attention to what I'm saying. There's a reason I brought you away from home so you couldn't be distracted by Rick" The lady said with a hand on her head. It was near closing time and they were the last people in there so Y/N didn't seem to mind them.

* BANG, CRASH*  Loud sounds came from outside causing Y/N to jolt up from her knelt down position at the fridge. A tall man with greyish hair and a lab coat bardge into the building. Y/N looked out to see he had come from some type of saucer.

"Beth, I'm going to have to take Morty. No questions" Without hesitation he grabbed the kid who she assumed went by "Morty" and ran out the door leaving "Beth" to be stuck with homework spread out around the table that her son once struggle to complete. The woman stood up and made her way to the counter, Y/N smiled fake and true.

"Got any wine?" Beth joked and chuckled to herself.

"If we did it would be all gone by now miss" Y/N chuckled in response and grabbed a large cup. "What can I get for you? Its on the house." Beth smiled a bit, looking up and searching the menu.

Existence Is Pain /:/ Rick Sanchez x readerWhere stories live. Discover now