chapter 4 drunken confessions and lies

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"Well uhmm you see-"I was cut off by Ryder" I told her that you would be here and she wanted to come so I offered that she just come with me."I let out a sigh of relief ,that could have gone a completely different way.

"Oh okay no problem come on babe."Zach said. I waved goodbye to Ryder and I was swallowed in by the crowd.Guilt was gnawing at me I was still considering if I should tell Zach about the kiss. I was suddenly ripped from my thoughts when some jerk bumped into me. I looked around to find Zach he was here just a second ago I finally spotted him he was over at the pool table with all of his friends of course lately it's like he is dating his friends too he never finds time for us but there's always time for his buddies.

"Zach" I called he finally heard me after the fifth time I motioned for him to come over."Are you going to spend the whole night with them?"I asked irritated."Just one game then you and I can have some quality time."he begged."Just one game?" I asked folding my arms"Just one game promise."he said giving me a kiss on my cheek."Fine but make it quick. "I replied


Zach clearly didn't know the definition of quick ,an hour and a half has passed and one game turned into 5 games I was starting to get really pissed and I didn't think rationally when I was angry.I waited ten more minutes before leaving and heading straight to the booze like I said I don't think rationally when I'm angry. I grabbed a bottle of beer and started drinking it I just want to know how it feels to have no worries or responsibilities.Also I was hurt that my boyfriend found a game more interesting than me. I just kept drinking when I suddenly felt dizzy I was at my third bottle let's just say I'm a lightweight, I almost never drank alcohol.

I was dizzy but I also felt free and alive I didn't care about anything. Somehow I made my way over to the dance floor I started dancing something sober me would never do.A guy came over and started dancing with me but he wasn't a decent guy he was some sleaze who got a little to touchy I didn't like having him touch me like this.I tried to push him away but he was strong and heavy and I was drunk and tiny compared to him."Let go off me."I warned."Nah I don't feel like it."he said smiling an evil gleam in his eyes.

He was suddenly ripped away from me and I was so relieved I saw the pervert being punched repeatedly I heard a deep voice"Stay the hell away from her or you will answer to me."he said in a low dangerous voice" I thought it would be Zach but it wasn't it was Ryder or at least I think it's Ryder everything was spinning I almost lost my balance and fell but I felt a strong grip on my arm steadying me.He wrapped his arm securely around my waist so I wouldn't stumble."Don't worry sweetheart I've got you. "I knew then it was definitely Ryder only he called me that and when he said it, it maid me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

When we got to the stairs he lifted me up carrying me bridal style. "You're drunk."he said his voice laced with concern."As a skunk."I replied while playing with his hair I always wanted to say that I know it's weird but I won't remember it tomorrow so who cares.He chuckled at my joke and he had a great laugh hearing his laugh made me instantly smile.

When we got to a room he opened the door slightly, then walked over to the bed placing me down gently it was a big room with light blue wallpapers and the bed was so soft and cosy. Ryder sat on the bed taking my shoes off.He stared at me in  a way that made me want to kiss him I wanted to feel his soft lips on mine I wanted him to kiss me even if it meant nothing I wanted excitement and adventure even if I didn't admit it to anyone. He brushed back my hair and placed a kiss on my forehead."Why aren't you always this nice?"I asked

He smiled and said " I can be nice and kind but it's reserved for certain people. "I don't understand why me I have done nothing but insult you?"Yeah sure you can be really rude and you do a great job of pushing people away but you're real not like other people and once in a while you are actually nice to me."He said smiling weakly.I looked down then I saw his knuckles they were bruised he really hit that guy ."Thanks."I said softly touching his hand his eyes locked with mine I had this strange feeling inside of me I never felt this with Zach it's probably still the alcohol effecting me . I looked down when Ryder suddenly tilted my chin upwardd with his index finger ,his gaze focused on my lips his lips finally brushed mine in a sweet gentle kiss  but it was so brief I barely felt it I didn't want him to stop but he pulled away . I was astonished why would he do that?

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