request 2! (fluff?)

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I quickly before we start I just wanna say thank you to the readers reading this!! :}
Thank you.

Request from: @RandomThingsOfMine

Might not be exactly what you wanted but I mostly let my mind race during making these, sprinkled in some seriousness and made her in her powered down version, makes me sound like am talking about a pokemon

Anyways this is a fluff/romance, the fluff part is mostly at the end-
Also this is electracy x reader stuff (forgot to mention that at first)

Your walking to the kitchen, since you feel hungry, makes sense.
But hear the door to your house clumsily swing open "Y/nnn??-" you hear electracy's voice as you begin walking to the door where she was.

"oh my goodness- what happened?!" You say in a worried tone "uhmm..I Waass teaaaching a lesson about eleeectricity andd my batteriesss, switched?" She said, her voice was weird, almost droopy in a way??

Either way you needed to get her fresh batteries.
You picked her up into your arms, she was unsurprisingly heavy since she's made of metal, a dusty pink blush appeared around electracy's face and she tried to hide it but you saw it anyway "we are gonna find some batteries for you I promise!" You'd say, your voice slightly shaky

You went around the house checking left and right but there were no batteries that fit her, "welp looks like we gotta go buy some." You say sighing, you go to your front door putting on a coat and some boots and going out too your car.

Time skip to at the store

"Do you wanna stay in the car or come with me?" You ask electracy, "I'll stayyy heree.." her voice is still droopy, her eyes looking weird and everything about just looked like she was dying or sick.
You went into the store to look for batteries meanwhile electracy sat in one of the backseats in the car, little did you know all she could think about was you and how you were being nice and actually trying to get new batteries for her, many had done it before but they only tried for a bit and never went to the store just for her,

She felt you were different.

A little later you came back to the car "alright I found the batteries you use, let's fix this up!" You say getting into the back as well to sit beside electracy.

Electracy opened her little box where she had her batteries and you switched the grimy ones out for the new ones, and she felt better now. "Thank you y/n!!" She said hugging you, "no problem I guess" you say moving to the driver's seat while she still sat in the backseats "wanna go get some fast food or something?" You ask electracy "sure!" She says.

After y'all get the food

Your now driving home. "Y/n? Thank you again I haven't had someone go out of they're way to get me new batteries, I just wanna hug youuu, too bad am in the back of this car..and your driving" electracy says a bit jokingly "awhh stop it! Your making me blush-" you say, feeling your cheeks heat up with blush

You get home the food in your hands as you attempt to open the door, "electracy? Could you be a sweety and open the door I can't with all this food-" you chuckle at the way you said it and electracy comes over opening the door with the same dusty pink blush on her face "thank you!" You say cheerfully you get inside going to the kitchen and setting it there.

"Y/n?? Do you wanna go upstairs to your room and uh.. cuddle while eating our food?" Electracy's voice sounds a bit shaky and quiet as she says that "oh!..sure" you say, feeling your face heat up as you take off your coat and boots, then taking the food upstairs too your room.

Electracy following behind, you sit in your bed the food being on your dresser which was comfortably close enough to reach your food, electracy crawled into bed with you as you sat under the blankets, electracy then got closer too your snuggling up beside you "your so sweet" electracy says giggling, that same big grin on her face as always "your are too little cuddle bug" you tease not long after..

Electracy soon fell asleep after you ate some of your food, "love you electracy." "I love you too.." you whisper too each other before both falling asleep.

Creators note: Hope you all enjoyed this one cuz I definitely enjoyed writing it at 6 in the morning, but I actually did enjoy writing it so am not complaining or anything, thank you for the requests and support everyone :D

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