First Day of Highschool (Class 2)

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(Freshman Year)

The bell had rung, I packed my things in my backpack and left Mr.Wazowski's class. I walked into the crowded hallway. I walked torwards the electives area of the school. There I saw a sign above a door that said "Welcome to Mr. Mater's Robotic's Class."

 I saw a man standing with a flanel shirt and crooked teeth, he had rusted brown hair. I walked up to him "Hello, you must be Mr. Mater." He gave me a bright smile and held his hand out "Indeed-a-roo I am, What's your name darlin?" he said. I shook his hand happily "I'm Rilletta Armani, I'm new here." I said.

Mr. Mater walked me into his class and brought me to the front of class "Hello everyone, we have a new student, her name be Rilletta Armani." he said. Everyone looked at me and said "Hello Rilletta." I looked around at everyone "Hello." I said confidently. Mr. Mater smiled and looked at me "Rilletta how about you sit next to Tadashi over there." He pointed at a boy with black hair and brown eyes sitting at a lab table, the boy smiled. I smiled back "Yes Mr. Mater." I walked over to Tadashi and sat next to him at the lab table.

Tadashi looked at me and held his hand out "Hey there, my name is Tadashi Hamada." I shook his hand "Hello there, nice to meet you. My name is Rilletta Armani."I let go of his hand. He smiled at me "Thats a pretty name." he said. I giggled and asked "So what do you do in this class?" Tadashi shrugged "It's different everyday." Mr. Mater looked at everyone "Alright class, since we have a new student, I won't do anything too extremear if ya know what I mean, We will just go ovr safety rules." he said. Everyone in class sighed in releaf. I looked at Tadashi and said "Well you all sounded glad." He laughed and said "Trust me you would be too!"

Bell Rings

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