Tonight, I Am Loved

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Inspired by Zod...


The air felt tense. It always did around him. His energy spoke volumes. His environment bending to his will.

We were moving at warp speed. There was a smooth harmonious hum. Almost imperceptible to the senses that was synonymous with travel at high velocities such as this. I found it soothing...

I stood on guard at the door in familiar patience. But my eyes remained steady on the back of his form.

The ship was quiet. It was late, and we had over recent weeks the tedious task of searching for one particular space station in the vast endless field that was space.

We were warriors, soilders. Literally built for combat. So tedious work was in and of itself as much peace as we would ever experience.

But due to this I've been working closely, more closely than I already was being one of his trusted arms, with the lead General.

The slow burn was excruciating. I tried to ignored it, after all it was a familiar ache.

But even the entirety of today was spent with him in his large office...filled with his scent. His presence. His ever sharp and watchful eye.

The work had finally dwindled to an end and I awaited further instructions. So in the private silence falling over just us two in this space...I indulged myself.

His large, perfectly carved form stood facing the dark sheet of glass...I let my eyes roam...the curve of his shoulders...the wide expanse of his back...the toned flex of his ass, the thick expanse of thighs...

I couldn't help pussy clenched in desire and my senses hummed in appreciation. I exhaled, softly running my tongue over my lips, nibbling on my lower lip. I was so painfully aware of him. Sighing, I peeled my eyes away to focus elsewhere. Not noticing that in the reflection of the dark glass he was facing, he saw my moment of indulgence.

Four weeks had passed in relentless search for a hint of the station's location. I knew his patience had been stretched thin.

The tension, I assumed, made his muscles flex more than usual. I was also equally exhausted and exasperated. Although you couldn't beat peace by any degree, there was nothing more exhilarating than a good fight to a true warrior...except maybe the touch of one man...
I sighed. Shaking myself internally to stay focused on projecting a calm exterior.

Then his deep baritone showered over my senses.

I looked up, and my breath caught in my throat.

He was staring at me. Calmly. Contemplatively. His gaze unwavering. Piercing...I felt the intensity as if I were naked before him but I could never tell what he was thinking. He gave nothing away. As usual. My face, trained as I was, revealed nothing of my deep inner disturbance.

"Drugo has tested my patience long enough"
He looked away. I breathe. "I will allow one more week of this search and then we move forward with our initial plan"

"Do I notify the brigade?", his eyes swayed to me again...moving over my form. I felt a tingle in my spine...

Locked in place by the heat I must have imagined seeing in his gaze...

"No, no efforts should be spared in our search. After the week has passed then we prepare", I vagely nodded, "Do you need anything else from me" the statement holding a hidden hope that a deep part of me couldn't help but entertain.

However his back was facing me again. He shook his head. I was dismissed.

I stepped back and silently exited his office, all the while his eyes followed my form out through the glass. A fist clenched in controlled effort.

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