|Long process|03

29 1 0

Xizael's pov:

When I first started looking through his life memories while he was asleep,most his recent years were hard to even endure for me traveling through his mind.

I'm a demon,I've obviously murdered more than a few people and had blood on my hands but the beatings the poor kid got- he didn't even deserve it,demons are heartless and have no feeling? Bullshit. We feel for who we want to.

If their useless to us we wouldn't give two fūçks about them.

Being Lucifer's right hand man(understudy) got me my right to choose who I protect rather than letting the messed up system decide.

Which I choose, Keith warner. Had an abusive father who was a rapist and human trafficker. Being framed for being a homosexual at school and ontop of that he watched his own mother take her life Infront of him,leaving his brother to die defending him from his drunk father at the time of drugs.

I didn't even take a look at the other options luci offered me I already made up my mind to choose him.

• • •

I was watching over another fight he had with his dad, luckily he dodged the bottle by an inch.

The kid had reflexes I'll say after all these years living under these conditons;

He rushed to his room when I saw him break down, I'd wanted to kill that son of a bitch who was his father.

"Fūçk just give me some kind of protection or atleast a damned will to live."

And then he closed his eyes.

I knew it was the right time to finally make an appearance and try to stop his suffering.

• • •

[Third person pov]

The room had suddenly vanished,Keith was in a shadow realm. Other than the blankness of the void there was xizael creeping through the shadows waiting for him to wake up.

Creepy? Maybe.

The kid woke up startled at the sudden emptyness of the world.

As soon as Zixael in his demon form stood Infront of him he clattered back against the many Walls surrounding the void of shadows;

The boy layed there,terrified.

And xizael just trying to help but failing.

• • •
[Xizael's pov]

"Yes" he spoke breathlessly. Like he was long awaiting the opportunity.

And with a flick of my wrist he was unconscious, speckles of red dust flying around the room.

I lifted his now limp body into my arms and began shifting through shadows, to realms, then to the underworld.

As humans like to call it, Hell.

It's more than just a torture chamber for those who have done wrong on the upperworld it self.

The people who deserve it are provided with protection and guidance, trained in the underworld making it their new found humble abode.

Most would be terrified at first but then get used to it over time;

As soon as I had successfully made it back to the underworld, I was greeted by luci.

His usual stone cold face was replaced with a suggestive smirk. Smug bastard.

I sighed knowing what was to come next,

"So your trying to convince me there's nothing special about this piece of crap human?" Lucifer spoke poking Keith's cheek quickly retracting his hand as soon as his hand made contact with his skin.

"Yes luci,nothing in particular he just caught my eye that's all" I sighed and I saw luci raising his brow, cocky möthērfūçkêr..

I could still hear him going on about his little rant, he's ruler of all underworld but still childish as fūçk.

I sauntered past him up to the 3rd floor where I'd set up Keith's room,id made it as cozy as possible- atleast as much to his liking.

I'd get him some sort of wardrobe tomorrow,. Maybe he'd take the explanation well this time.

Letting him down on his bed I pulled up the comforter up so he'd be comfortable.

humans assume it's hot in 'hell',in reality it's just cold as fūçk down here. Its not snowing or anything but it's freezing cold. There's ice glaciers poking out from most directions outside the castle,and more of what's there to explore of the underworld.

And with that,I left to fulfill another mission of mine, I needed to hunt down a specific mage . The reasons dumb really it's just Lucifer being delusional over something small. Such a drama queen,

I roll my eyes at the thought of it. Subtly chuckling.

She sold her family's souls[what a reasonable trade] to him in exchange for a rather rare item supply for her potion, and somehow she ended up snagging more than what she owed for; now Lucifer's going haywire because it wasn't the amount he desired to give her.

Now I had to strut all the way down to elvenville to find a stupid fūçkïñg mage named silvia and demolish her from existence and get back the stupid item he gave her.

Tiring and a stupid meaningless mission but then again I don't want to endure more of Luci's temper tantrum,which seems to last a lifetime. I sighed knowing I should get myself going and get this over with.

Hoping by the time I'd be back Keith would regain consciousness, the spell wouldn't last long. Only a couple of hours and he'd wake up naturally as if he was just awakening from a long nap.


And with that I was soon traveling through the shadows and slowly continued on my way to the village, soon to be back hoping my human would be awake.

~ •  •  • ~

Hellow everyone. Quite a chapter right 💀💀

Very much longer was about 950 words [i need to get this shit up to atleast 2,000 next chapter istfg why do I suck so much-]

Anyways hope you little shits enjoyed this update, as always.

- Love,Val-kun :p

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