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Its been two weeks and everything has been running smoothly i guess.

"Amelia hurry up." Alex screamed from downstairs.

"Im coming bitch hold on." I grabbed my purse and phone and fixed my shirt while walking downstairs. I had on a white long tank with a cross on it with galaxy leggings and studded black vans.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the mall... Duh?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot."

"Are you sure you werent born a blonde."

"Shutup...." "You're such a bitch" i muttered.

"I know. Haha."

We were both laughing. Then we showed up at the mall. We walked into Love Culture.

"Should i get this?" I asked Alex holding up a pencil skirt with crosses on it.

"Hell yeah. Ooohh. Should get this jacket to go with it!" She held up a studded leather jacket.

" Cute!" We paid for our stuff then went to the next store.

"Ayye. I need some more hats dude." Alex said.

"True. I guess."

I picked up an Obey hat and a chicago bulls snapback. Alex got like 500 hats.

"Wigga. The fuck you getting all those hats for." I asked dumbfound.

"The fuck is a wigga." Aled asked.

"A white nigga. Duh?"

She shook her head and walked away from me. We bought our hats and went to H&M. Thats the best store fucking ever.

"Aye. This shirt will go with that skirt you bought." She held up a white lace bandeau shirt.


We kept walking throughout the store buying hella shit. Then we arrive at Forever 21.

I walked instanstly being drawn to a pair of oxford heels and some wedges. Basically all i bought from Forever 21 was shoes.

"Damn i hungry. You hungry bitch." Alex said seriously.

I laughed at her. "Yeah hoe, im kinda hungry too."

We went to the food court. Alex got pizza. And i got a burger.

"Oh look what the cat dragged in." Alex muttered and i saw who she was talking about. My ex-boyfriend.

"Hey babe." He came over and kissed my neck.

"Please get away from me." I pushed him away.

"Dont be like that." He came back.

"Like what. You fucking broke up with me hoe. Now move away before i do it for you." I warned.

He just kept coming on to me. Fortunately, we were in a quiet place so we didnt start a scene.

"I dont want you." I kept telling him. "Scott. Move."

"But i love you bae." Scott said.

Before i could say anything somebody else did.

"But she obvisiously doesn't love you back. So move. I don't want any problems." I turned around to see Diggy and Roger. Thank the lord.

"Am I supposed to be scared of you?" Scott replied.

"Scott. Let me go." I hissed.

"Let her go dude." Roger said.

"Fine. But don't think I'm not going to find you Ame-" scott got cut off by Alex.

"Okay now go!"

Whoop. Thank the lord for Alex. Almost blew my cover.

Scott walked away bumping shoulders with Diggy and Roger.

I sighed," Out of all people, why in the hell did i chose him?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing." Roger said.

I glare at him before thanking him "Thanks guys. And sorry for him being such a douche.

"Who was that anyways." Diggy questioned.

"An ex. Blah. Waste of six months." I said while throwing me and Alex's trash in the garbage.

"Welp we got to go. Bye guys. Muah" Alex said before we left.

"WAIT!" I turned back to see Roger running towards us.

"What's wrong Roger." I asked.

"Umm," he looked nervous," You want to go on a date with me tomorrow."

I blushed and looked down."Yeah sure."

He picked up my head and kissed my cheek.

"See you tomorrow." And he walked away.

Alex and I started fangirling all the way into the car.

"Awh. My little Meli got a date."


-The Next Day-

I woke up with a note by my head. It said,

Wake up beautiful. We are going out for lunch.

Be ready by 1.

Wear something beautiful. Like you.


"AWWWWHHHHH!" Alex coohed in my ear.... Very loudy if i might add.

"Shutup" I replied tiredly.

I tried to go back to sleep but this hoe wouldnt lett me sleep.

"Its 11. You need to start getting ready bitch."

"Ugh. Let me go take a shower."

"Don't forget to wash your hair!!!"

"I KNOW!" I screamed.

But we started laughing soon after though. I got in the shower and did all the necesities.

"Im out the shower bitch." I yelled as getting out of the shower.

I dried myself. Lotioned up. And put on some panties. Then walked out of the bathroom.

"Beautify me bitch." I screamed at Alex while laughing.

Okay. Im going to write the date in another chappie. Muah- Alex.

(Scott the Ex. His photo is the photo.)

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