Chapter One.

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*Dan's POV*

I hopped on the train in both fear and excitement. Everything seemed so quiet and unusual for a train to Liverpool, but that might just be because it's only 7am on a Sunday morning. I was told I had to arrive on the Sunday as then I can start school immediately on the Monday. I feel drained, like my lack of sleep last night was a killer I wish I didn't experience. I don't know what it was that was keeping me up; the fear or the excitement?

The thing is, I'm not excited to go to a new school, especially one that I'll have to live in, but I'm excited because I get to meet new people, make new friends, and experience first hand what boarding school is like. I've always wondered what British boarding school is like because I know for sure it isn't anything like it is in Wild Child.

I pulled my fringe out of my face and knocked my earphones out of my ear as the ticket-man came down the train with a machine, checking everyone's tickets thoroughly. Not that he seemed to care about his job, the pay must be crap.. All he does is walk up and down a train and make sure everyone has a ticket. How much worse can it be? Well, I mean he could have the job of cleaning the train toilets on long journeys, so I'll consider him lucky. Kind of.

As I nodded him a thank-you and he turned to ask the next person on the train for their ticket, I placed my earphones back in my ear and continued to listen to whatever weird song I was listening to. At the moment, it sounds a bit like Panic! At the Disco but due to the ticket-man walking by, I missed most of the song and now I just have to listen to the end of it, which isn't great when it's Panic! At the Disco as some of the ends sound like the beginning of a song. One reason why I love Panic! as much as I do, actually.

I lifted my head to see what the screen at the front of the carriage read to make sure I was going to get off at the right stop and how long I'll have left on the train. If there's one thing I love, it's long train journeys with loud music. It has to be one of my top five favourite things. I just love looking out the window and appreciating the view that I don't see often due to my choices of always staying in my bedroom with my curtains closed and my eyes glued to a screen. I never really realise the beauty of life until I go on long train journeys to places that I sometimes wish were closer. That said, a lot of England is disgusting and mucky, with it's vandalism, litter and 'chavy' areas.


My eyes rolled their way up to the point my head was moving with them, as I looked at the massive building ahead of me. I wondered if it were the actual school or one of the houses as, by the size of it, it could be any of the two. I reached into my bag to find the poly pocket with my information in, telling me which house I'll be living in, all my notes about any particular medical conditions, certain things that my auntie had to sign and a map of the place, also inside my chosen house, my room, the name of the person I'll be rooming with and a map of the school too, including other stuff that didn't seem as important anymore.

I thanked the driver as he dropped me off at the mysterious looking house and grabbed my bags from the trunk of the taxi. It's not everyday that you get in a taxi with a nice man who will happily help you out if need be. He nodded and patted my back before entering his taxi once again  and driving out of the car park.

"Um, hi." I tapped a boys shoulder, hoping he wouldn't see through the awkward facade. My eyes widened slightly as he turned to look at me. He has the most beautiful eyes, not only are they bright blue, but they also had both green and grey hidden within them. Above his perfectly coloured eyes sat his extremely dark hair, which fell to the side as he turned to look at me. And bellow all of that was his li-

"Hello! Is anybody in there?" The tall boy, who must've been just a slight smaller than me, knocked on my hair lightly with his knuckles, letting out a small chuckle as I jumped slightly.

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