Abigail's Speech

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Dedicated to AgentofDreams989 and kirsty1345.

As soon as Abby opened her locker to put away her books after last period had ended, she blinked a little in puzzlement at seeing a piece of folded up paper leaning against the right interior wall of her locker. What on Earth..? What is this?

Her initial puzzlement changed to comprehension as she slowly unfolded the paper, only to find it was an invitation, and to none other than the Halloween dance at that. Comprehension was followed by disappointment and a little bit of anger, as she then narrowed her eyes at the sight of the invitation. This is a trick. They're just trying to hurt me. Humiliate me. Well, the trick-slash-joke is on them. 

And by "them", she meant the students who weren't Sam, Tory, Aisha, Yasmine, Moon, Robby, Miguel, Eli and Demetri. As far as she knew, they'd treated her with respect so far in all the time she'd gotten to know them, and she appreciated that.

But the other students were a different story. Even Carrie White (played by Sissy Spacek in the 1976 film adaptation Carrie, which was based on the 1974 Stephen King novel of the same name) probably would've thought so as well — except as Abby knew, in Carrie's case, her being asked to a gathering had been around the time of the senior prom in May and not Halloween in October. 

Hopefully there won't be someone dumping a bucket of pig's blood on me like they did with Carrie in the movie, so at least I'd have that going for me. However, it's too bad I don't have her telekinetic powers, as that would've come in handy for me. Plus, Carrie sure knew how to pay back her tormentors — and quite viciously at that.

All it took was her biting her lower lip (as she was torn between disappointment and anger), as well as her precisely honest and well-chosen speech to Counselor Blatt in front of a certain group of students to reveal exactly how she felt about the idea.

"Look, Counselor Blatt, I might as well be honest with you here. I usually prefer having fun at home by myself on Halloween. Besides, except for Aisha, Eli, Demetri, Yasmine, Moon, Sam, Tory, Miguel and Robby, these other so-called peers of mine probably just want to hurt me. Humiliate me. Well, the trick-slash-joke is obviously on them — because I'm not coming to this... this... Halloween dance, as you call it."

Aisha, Sam, Tory, Yasmine, Moon, Demetri, Eli, Miguel and Robby had been wondering when their names were going to crop up. When they overheard Abby's speech to Counselor Blatt, they exchanged glances. Abigail, not going to the Halloween dance because she thought something was being set up as part of a prank or trick on her?

As though the same idea had just occurred to them, Sam and Tory then motioned to the others, who looked at them.

"Psst. Guys, Tory and I have an idea, and we think we know how we can help Abigail out," Sam whispered.

"Really?" Demetri queried. "But you realize you can't just kidnap Abigail and drag her all the way to the Halloween Dance. She did say she wasn't going, you know."

"Oh, that wasn't what we had in mind. This idea's a good one, Demetri," Tory said. "Now here's what we'll do.."

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