Burning of Magical England , new continent

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Narrator P.O.V.

as the Scourge returns to Magical Britain, Ministry of Magic sends out the who was contacted to whom while on Azeroth the War is raging to new heights and the news of Lordaerons conquest are being spread

Harry P.O.V.

i received the letter from Daphne and my other girls when i was in my throne room in Lordaeron just few days after killing Sylvanas and i am pissed off about ministry, Dumb as a door and every single so called lord who voted for it and will possibly when i will attack entire Britain i will kill them all

i belive it is time to return to england. i said to my court there were few lords especially from Scarlet and Order who didnt knew what england is while many members of my undead part just nodded

my king What is England if i can ask ? asked Lord Tealian Fordring

England is a land on Planet Earth , we are in war with Magical Britain one of nations ,thanks to their own failure in their civil war , when so called Dark Lord Voldemort tried to kill me when i was infant , his spell deflected and it hit him but one goat fucker named Albus Wulfric Brian Dumbledore wanted to give me to some abusive people to die so my twin Brother was a hero but some Titan Keepers on that planet send me here to be blood adopted into the Menethils. i said as they nodded

who all will go there ? asked Knight Darion Mograine

most of my undead forces , few will remain here with rebuilding the Undercity , while you will stay here rebuild most of Villiages in Tirisfal and Western Plaguelands and fix our fields , East Plaguelands will belong to the Undead, also in my stead Renault Mograine will be regent for living and Baron Rivendare will be regent for the Undead and you will work together for 11 months when i leave for school and to fight the Wizards until i will return with my future wifes also help our future possible allies the blood elves , send them weapons, volunteers but dont attack trolls from our territory. i ordered them

Death P.O.V.

i was just walking to my sister's room especially love , i wonder what's her grand plan regarding Harry James Potter i respectfully knocked on the door and heard her say you can come in so i went inside

hello my dear brother , how is your deathly day ?. she said with smile

hello sister and it has been good so far but you may have been wandering what i am doing here ? i asked as she nodded

Whats your deal with Harry James Potter , my dear sister i know that it was you , life and fate who let him live , his brother and their parents back then when my avatar was in full power. i said

easy , we want him to help us defeat the Burning Legion and the Arch traitor Sargeras thanks to the curse of flesh taking hold in Azeroth and those who they sent to us most humans were easily controlled by ruinous powers of void and fel until we made those blocks and created their magic

as you say and besides the point i am gonna cut off my ties with Riddle , he has no longer any true use for me or our cause. i said to her

as you say brother , now can you please leave , i have some things to do. she said and i left her room and went back to my job making sure that engine of souls on this place was running

Varian Wrynn P.O.V.

i was in my war room in Stormwind
we have captured or destroyed most of Horde holdings in Eastern Kingdom but we are losing the Kalimdor , Theramore is captured most of our naval bases there are destroyed or taken by the Horde and we are being pushed from Ashenvale and i heard behind me coughing and saw Spy master Matthias Shaw who looked very troubled

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