How It Began: Chapter 1

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*Matt's P.O.V. Friday, October 5th, Spellbound Inc.*

I was running, careful to not be heard, but I accidently ran into a corner, stubbing my toe. I winced in pain, sucking my teeth and bending over to check my toe.

"You all right?" my brother Joey asked, holding a huge Nerf blaster in his hands, pointing it at me. 

I chuckled, nodded. "Yeah, just stubbed my toe on this stupid corner." I paused, looking at the corner. "We should maybe fix this corner so that it doesn't hurt anyone else."

Joey shrugged. "I don't know. It makes for good content on Battle Universe". (I miss BU so much)

I saw Joey about to pull the trigger on the Nerf blaster and ducked right after he pulled it, the Nerf dart missing my head just barely, then I grabbed my own Nerf blaster and shot it quicker than Joey could react the same way I had just reacted and shot him in the face. 

He fell to the ground, overacting his "death", but then I heard feet shuffling behind me, so I turned around quickly.

I saw Connor holding a white Nerf gun, totally ready to shoot me in the face. He was smiling, trying not to laugh at the shock on my face.

"Dude, I totally didn't see you! How did you do that?" I asked, trying to back up so that I could get behind a small wall that was in this base.

Connor, it seemed, didn't know what I was trying to do, and so didn't follow me. 

Then, just as he realized what I was doing, I pulled the trigger on my Nerf blaster and got him in the head. He fell down, and I put my arms up in victory. 

"Yeah! Let's go! I did it!" I yelled, pumping my arms in excitement while Joey and Connor got up from off the carpeted floor, laughing and patting my shoulder and back as good sportsmanship. 

"Hey, good game everyone. Good game!" I said. "Now let's go have lunch. I'm going to go to Red Robin with Paul and Tanner, want to come?" 

Connor raised his hand. "Of course I want to come!  Who wouldn't when you're buying?" He joked, grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes, then motioned for him to come. We started walking towards Connor and Paul's office, where Paul was probably at. 

"Paul! We're going to lunch now! Where are you?!" I screeched, using my high pitch voice I sometimes used.

In the direction of his office, I heard a faint voice call, "I'm here!"

Connor and I walked into Paul's office, where he was sitting in his black leather chair, staring at the monitor on the white desk.

"What are you doing, come on! I'm hungry Paul!" Connor pleaded.

Paul put his hands up, as if he was trying to block something, then said, "First of all Connor, I think you're always hungry. Two, just give me a second. I have to finish editing this Get Good Gaming video and then I'll be ready." He paused, then looked at me, then at Connor. 

"Is it just us three going to Robins?" 

I shook my head. "Nope. Tanner's coming too."

The timing on that was perfect, because just as I said his name, Tanner strolled into Paul's office like he owned the place. 

"What's up guys? When's lunch?" He said, parading around the room while we all collectively giggled at how stupid and weird Tanner was being. Not that all the rest of us weren't as weird as he was, possibly even more weird, but all day today he was just being very strange and more energetic than he usually was.

"Apparently, after Paul's done editing," Connor said, mimicking Tanner's walk as he also started walking around the room almost exactly like Tanner.

I shook my head at the ridiculousness that was happening, then looked at Paul pleadingly, almost like, "Please be done editing so that this can stop."

I think Paul read my mind because he stood up from his chair, "I'm done editing. Come on you idiots, let's go eat."

Tanner and Connor cheered and then we all walked out of Connor and Paul's office, walking quickly to the door to Orange Base, where my Tesla was parked. My office was in Blue Base, so I usually parked in that parking spot, but today I was in Orange Base for Connor's vlog and Paul's vlog, so I parked in Orange Base parking instead.

I swung the door open, then held it open for the others when Woods came down the stairs, looking at the door. 

"Hey, where you guys going?" He sounded a bit out of breath, maybe from running down the stairs? If that's the case, he needs to work out more. Do some more cardio instead of weights, which he told me he does the most.

"Robins, want to come?" I asked.

By the excited look on his face, I assumed he wanted to, so I waved him over to the door, which he hurriedly exited, going towards my car. 

"Are we going to eat there or bring it back to Orange Base?" Tanner questioned.

We all laughed at his question, then I answered, "Well Tanner, we usually go through the drive through and we're sure as heck not going to eat in my car, so yes, we're going to bring it back to Orange Base to eat". 

Tanner seemed a little disappointed in my answer, but all the other times we've gone to Robins with everyone, we have never eaten in my car, or actually stepped foot inside Red Robin. What a stupid question. Maybe Tanner was just having a weird day. I sure was. 

Today I got a text message from an unknown number that kind of freaked me out, and when I asked the boys about it, they said they got messages too. 

This is just like that prank that I did, where there were letters on everyone's desks saying that "a fan broke into the studio", except that it was real this time. 

And honestly? I didn't know what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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