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"Sunoo?" Leilani found the boy in his usual spot, standing in the corner of the road on the ragged path. "What's up?"

"Nothing!" The boy was flustered. He had wanted to meet the girl, but didn't know what to expect and how to do so. This was definately not part of his plan.

"Is that my contact?" Leilani pointed to his phone, which he immedietly switched off. "Were you about to call me?"

"No way! No no. What about you? It looks like you were going to message me. A paragraph too." Sunoo gestured to the girls phone, which she immedietly stuffed into her jackets pocket.

"No! That's my essay. For school. On my phone."

The two paused and caught their breaths after being taken by surprise by one another.

It was something as simple as making eye contact that caused the two to burst out into laughter.

Catching their breaths once again, the two looked at eachother and smiled.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Sunoo pat Leilani on the shoulder. Instead of moving his hand away, the boy left it there to rest.

Leilani didn't shrug it off either. She let him be. "It has Sunoo."

"Finished any assessments yet? I kind of miss hanging out with you." Sunoo revealed as they started to walk. To where? I don't know.

Leilani scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. She had, ofcourse finished her Korean exam. But she wasn't about to tell him that. "Do we really need to be celebrating school stuff in order to hang out? Why can't we just hang out?"

Well, it never occured to Sunoo that they could do that.

"Let's go to the convenience store then. Food will be on me."

"Bet. Let's go!"


"Get some kimbap too!"

"Can you grab those noodles? No, not those ones. Yeah, those ones."

"Should we get a cold drink? It's kind of spicy..."

"Nah, I have some water here. We'll be fine."

The two had finally sat down at the bench table thing, ready to eat.

"Convenience stores aren't like this in Australia, you know?"

"There's no where to eat?"

"Yeah. The only good thing about our stores was that we could get $1 slushies. But now, even those are $1.50, inflation." Leilani shook her head before producing a large scrunchie from her bag.

Sunoo watched, completely mesmerised as his friend took off her glasses, collected her curly hair from her face and shoulders and tied it up neatly.

Sunoo watched, mesmerised by the girls beauty. He had never understood how girls tie their hair so perfectly. Leilani made tyung her hair up seem magestical even.

"H-hey! Should you be doing that here?"

Leilani looked at the boy, confused more than ever.

"Doing what?"

Sunoo looked to his side and shook his head. "Nevermind. Just eat."

Leilani chose to ignore her friends weirdness for now

The two happily started to eat their food. Their happiness didn't take long to turn into desperation.

"WATER! WATER! I NEED WATER!" Sunoo screamed, trying to calm down his burning mouth.

"IT'S FINISHED, I DRANK IT ALL" Leilani screamed back, fanning her mouth. "WHY DID YOU GET THE SPICY FLAVOUR?"

It was honestly a miracle, how the person on their shift didn't hear the two's desperate pleads for help.


Leilani and Sunoo were crying at this point.

What was worse was that Leilani had forgotten her wallet at home, and Sunoo had spent all his money on food and no drinks.

What were they going to do now?

A wallet being thrown onto their table, between them and their food startled the two and interrupted their banter.

Sunoo and Leilani turned around slowly, eyes wide open in awe as they met their saviour, Sunghoon, staring down at them with an ammused gaze.

"Drinks are on me." He smirked.

Leilani wasted no time in questioning what was going on, and immedietly grabbed the wallet and ran to the cold drinks section.

"Why does he have to look so cool." Sunoo sulked, forgetting about his burning mouth.

"Why, Kim? Scared I'll steal your girlfriend?" Sunghoon sat down in Leilani's seat now that it was free.

Sunoo flicked the olders arm and scoffed. "She's not my girlfriend."

Sunghoon smiled knowingly. "But you like her, don't you?"

Sunoo was getting annoyed. Everyone was teasing him about his new friend and how he may have feelings for her. Sunoo was scared that he might start to catch feelings after being surrounded by everyone's comments 24/7

"Please stop. I'll never fall in love."

Sunghoon smirked even harder as his eyes zeroed in on the boy. "Now that I've been reminded, you said that you weren't going to make any new friends. But you made an exception to that rule just for, what was it again? Lani?"

Sunoos blood was boiling.

Leilani appeared behind the boys, a large bottle of pineapple juice in one hand and styoraphone cups in the other. She tossed Sunghoons wallet back to the boy, which he gracefully caught with one hand.

"Sunoo! You're girlfriend's back!" The older boy teased, ruffling Sunoos hair. He didn't know why he got a kick out of teasing Sunoo the most. Maybe it was because he always reacted just like Sunghoon expected him to.

Sunoo knew that Sunghoon was just being himself, but he couldn't help but get annoyed at his words.

Leilani chose to step in during that moment, looking directly at Sunghoon

"I thought you were from the U.S? And you didn't know Korean?"

Sunghoon seemed to have forgotten about his lie

Clumsily, the boy picked out his phone and put it to his ear.

"Hello? Yes! I'm Sunghoon. Business? Business deal? Yes!" He spoke loudly, getting up from his chair and fleeing the facility.

Leilani sat down and poured the drink into two cups, handing one to Sunoo.

"Drink up! I'll make all your problems go away, so don't worry."

Sunoo sat down and watched in awe as his friend drowned her drink in one go.

"Leilani Walters, you're so cool."

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