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Ever since Leilani had saved Sunoo (she had made an older boy run away in fear) from the big bad wolf (sunghoon), sunoo had taken it upon himself to pledge his duty to the girl (Sunoo carried Leilani's heavy schoolbag whenever he could).

"Seriously, its ok. I want to grow muscles anyways, gotta start somewhere, right?" Sunoo explained himself as he took the girls bag for the umpteenth time.

Leilani had been confused at first, why did the boy insist on helping the girl out so much? Then she reaslied that it was his own little way of thanking the girl for saving his ass.

"I really want to eat something sweet today." Leilani spoke as she swung her hands by her side. Her imbalance in hormones was making her feel all sorts of emotions and crave all sorts of foods.

Sunoo lowered his head and smiled. "Lucky for you, I always crave sweet foods." The boy knew the perfect place to take the girl, it would satisfy all her needs. "Let me take you to-"

"-cake?" The girl stood, smiling brightly at the cafe Infront of her. From outside, she could see the assortments of different colours and flavours of cakes, as well as the large assortment of drinks listed on the menu.

"Sunoo, this place is begging me to go inside. Like right now."

Sunoo laughed and guided the girl so that she were walking Infront of him. The boy gestured to a table and told the girl to go and save them a seat, as he ordered the cakes.

Leilani sat at the cute little table and smiled at the small vase filled with flowers. Today was one of those days. The day started out fine, the girl was energetic when she woke up, talkative up until lunch and concentrated until her second last class of the day.

3pm was when it hit her, all of a sudden, the girl didn't feel like talking to anyone. She wanted to cry everytime she smiled at someone who smiled at her, she wanted to scream everytime someone engaged in small talk and she wanted to shout everytime someone asked her if she was ok.

All Leilani wanted to do was go home, lay in bed with dim lights and a lit vanilla scented candle and sleep while someone held her.

Sunoo seemed to have caught onto her mood, as he didn't pressure her to speak the whole time. Infact, he kept quiet himself too.

Leilani closed her eyes as the piano wafting through the speakers cleared her mind. She put forward her right arm and lay her head on it.

Sunoo came shortly after, holding a slice of caramel cake. He saw the girl, smiled to himself as he sat the cake down, and mirrored the girls actions, putting forward his left arm instead and facing the girl as he lay down.

Sunoo admired the beauty his friend posessed. Only now, when Leilani was stationary, did Sunoo realise that the girl had freckles. Pretty ones too. They scattered her face like stars in the night sky. He wanted to sit there for hours and count them all, over and over again. And don't let him get started on Leilani's rosy cheeks, or her long lashes. Or her perfect skin, the type that Sunoo longed for.

Sunoo decided right then and there, that he perceived Leilani Walters was the epitome of beauty. Inside and out.

Sensing that she had eyes on her, Leilani opened her lids and saw Sunoo gazing at her. Wow, Sunoo really was pretty. Leilani loved his eyes, the ones that seemed to change colour everytime she looked at them. And don't forget about his dimples, she wanted to poke them and squeeze his cheeks and peck his forehea-

Wait what?

"Hi." Sunoo broke her out of her trance.

"Hi." Leilani had wanted someone to hold her, why did it feel like laying on the table with Sunoo opposite her felt exactly like what she had wanted?

A worker came and set down a tall glass of chocolate milkshake with two straws. "On the house!" She smiled and left just as quickly as she came.

The two looked at eachother dumbfounded

"I'll go get another cu-"

"No! It's ok! I've seen friends do this in Kdramas." Leilani interrupted the boy, making him sit back down.

"Are you sure they aren't couples?" Sunoo cocked his head to the side.

"Friends, Kim Bok Joo and-"

"You haven't finished watching that, have you?" Sunoo smiled at his friend.

Leilani smiled sheepishly and shook her head, before leaning forward and taking the first sip of the drink. It was mid

"If you were a cake, you'd be matcha. You're rare, but good. Hard to find, but once you find it, you're set for life." Leilani spoke once she had gulped down more than half of the drink.

Sunoo smiled and then thought for a bit. What cake would Leilani be? He pondered harder and harder until he finally settled onto a conclusion. "If you were a cake, you'd be chocolate-"

"Is it because I'm black?" Leilani interrupted without missing a heartbeat

Sunoo grew red as he covered his face while Leilani stiffled her laughter. How could the girl pull that joke on him?

"I was going to say, you'd be chocolate because you're overlooked when you're clearly the right choice. Everyone wants fancy flavours when chocolate is right there. You can't go wrong with it." Sunoo weakly explained the reasons behind his choice as Leilani let out a long string of laughter.

Playing with the boy was too fun.

"You make me laugh Sun. You just made my day so much better."

The two smiled at eachother. Leilani leant forward and faced Sunoo to look outside. "Isn't the sunset so pretty?"

Sunoo admired the colours displayed in the sky and turned his face back to Leilani. "It's beautiful."

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