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Rook Hunt—If It Weren't for Your Presence~Before the Proposals~"We're supposed to become perfect princes in order to propose to the Ghost Bride

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Rook Hunt—If It Weren't for Your Presence
~Before the Proposals~
"We're supposed to become perfect princes in order to propose to the Ghost Bride. This is our last chance to rescue (Y/N). It falls to us to present ourselves as ideal husbands." Riddle explained to the three other boys,

"I dunno, man. The whole 'prince' and 'husband' thing don't exactly click with me." Ace stated with a bit of uneasiness from being in the suit,

"Me either..." Epel shifted with discomfort,

"Heh heh heh. You bourgeons are adorable." Rook chuckled to himself,

"What's a bourgeon?" Ace asked, after all he was being compared to one.

"It means flower bud. And how delightfully innocent it is to see you buds perplexed by the mysteries of the feminine heart!" Rook put his hand on his heart and kept on chuckling,

"...Is he mocking us?" Ace asked while frowning,

"No... I don't think so." Epel responded, "Rook's always showering people with compliments. It's his thing." He tried to defend Rook's eccentric personality,

"Hmm. In that case, Rook'll probably win over the bride, no sweat." Ace was plotting something... "Say, Rook. How are you planning to impress the bride?" Yep. No doubt, he was plotting something.

"Ace, we all know you're just trying to steal his idea for yourself." Riddle frowned, for one of HIS freshmen to steep this low...

"Why, I would never! I'm simply asking. Y'know, for educational purposes." Ace smiled innocently,

"I plan to compose a poem and recite it for her." Rook answered, he probably knew deep down that Ace wouldn't make a poem.

"Poetry, eh? I guess a princess lost in her own fantasies might go for that. I don't read poetry outside of class, so I couldn't crib his idea even if I wanted to." Ace sighed, he was back to square one.

Riddle agreed, "Likewise. I can memorize other people's poems, but I've never written one myself. I'm curious as to what we can expect from you, Rook. What manner of poem will you offer the bride." Riddle wondered,

"That is the question, isn't it..." He pondered, he didn't really have a big idea, "Aha! I think. I have it. How about this?" He then recited his first poem,
Teaching you love—June flowers.
Hiding your tears—June showers.
In July, you fade away.
And in July, I stand dismayed.
You are a bird, soaring free.
Soft wings beat without mercy.
I am but a foolish tree,
branches quiv'ring without thee.
Keep the sun hidden, I plead!
So this bird may rest with me!

That was the first of many poems he created for the ghost bride. The boys, of course were shocked he came up with this in a few minutes.

"......" Epel and Ace stayed still, trying to figure out the meaning of the poem.

"Nope, totally useless." Ace sighed, he couldn't comprehend the poem,

"Oh, is it? I clearly have a long way to go as a poet, then. Very well. I shall compose an even finer poem by the hour of our visit!" Rook seems to take constructive criticism very easily,

"That's not what I meant! It's just that writing snooty poems full of avian metaphors or whatever is way beyond me." Ace frowned, trying to understand this poem that lacks any sincerity and is covered up by snooty words is a very annoying thing to task oneself with.

"Seriously. I get embarrassed just thinking about saying stuff like that." Epel sighed, just trying to envision it made him cringe.


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