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Looking into someone's personal files was easy. Finding out what their aspirations, daily routine, and relationships was intrusive, yes, but easy all the same. Being the son of the principal and being the president of the student council, Gakushū had special privileges ordinary students or members of the student council, did not.

Gakushū was going to read each and every file of the students of Kunigigaoka, from the highest and lowest class. If he finds anything unusual or important, he'll file them away to his personal folder(it was titled 'possible secret admirer candidates')

Personality wise he has at least seven students that were similar to his secret admirer. Having read and re-read the letters hundreds of times he's determined his secret admirer was mischievous, compassionate, was always worrying for him, a prankster, and sweet.

"Or they could be a different person in person" he considered.

But that would make his plan harder to achieve. So he'll stick with what he knows first, before going on a wild goose chase

As for hand writing, he only had three matches. Or at least to some degree was similar.

Now here he was a week later, in his room, scowling at the scattered papers all over his desk. And on the bulletin board were the important files he made, such as hand writing similarities, his 'suspects', and other 'clues' all connected with a red string.

He's narrowed his list to the lower classes. "Who are you?" He whispered.

"Oh my god what happened here?!"

The lights turned on, momentarily hurting his eyes. His sister entered his room, looking at him aghast.

He couldn't blame her. His room looked like a hurricane threw up in it, also the fact he looked like a crazy person with his conspiracy board and unkept appearance. "Oh hi" he said uninterestedly.

"Gakushū clean your room" she said stressfully, massaging her temple. "And get out of the house, go take a walk, damn it call your friends and stop obsessing over--" she pointed at his board. "Whatever the fuck that is!" She threw her hands up exasperatedly. "You've been like this all week, I'm worried"

"Then maybe you can save me the trouble" he hissed. "Just tell me who he is!"

"I can't"

"Why not?!"

"That's not what he wants, just respect that Shū!"

He scowled at her. "It's not fair! You know who he is, Ren knows who he is, you hang out with him, you know what he looks like, what he sounds like, but not me?" He kicked his desk. "Doesn't he care?"

"He does, he adores you" She reassures him. "But, the thing is-"

"What's the problem?" He's had enough of his sister, friend, and the guy who claims to love him, leading him in circles. "He thinks you'll lose interest the second you learn who he really is" she revealed sounding sympathetic.

Gakushū frowned. "What does that mean? 'Who he really is' can't you be any more specific?"

"He's from a lower class, a very low class" she continued vaguely, further irritating Gakushū. "So what? I'm not a shallow person, does he think I'll hate him if he turned out to be from E-class or something?" He actually laughed at the idea

Nanami remained quiet.

Gakushū sighed, before pulling off his shirt and going to his closet to search for a new one. "You're right, I need to get out" he took his wallet and a letter from his admirer he hasn't opened yet. "I need some air"

He purposely bumped his sister's shoulder when he passed her, slamming the door loudly behind him.

Nanami sighed, and decided to clean her little brother's room while he was gone.


Gakushū was angry, really angry, and jealous. He was angry at his secret admirer for being such a coward. He was angry at his sister for not telling him who he was

And he was angry at Ren for not being a good friend to him and tell him where his admirer lived. They all knew how he was just dying to meet his admirer, they know how in love he was. Each letter he receives solidifies his feelings

But they can't even do something as simple as giving him a name or surname. "If he loves me so much then he wouldn't be hiding behind a pen and paper" he muttered.

His jealousy meanwhile comes from the fact his sister and best friend can be around his admirer but all he gets are words from ink. "It's not fair, it's not fucking fair!"

"Whoa Asano-kun can curse?"

He stopped when he heard a familiar smooth voice.

Snapping out of his thoughts he realized he had reached the bridge. Standing an arms length away from him was Akabane Karma, his rival, holding his favorite strawberry milk, and smiling at him as if he's just found a new play thing

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