From afar

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Jason put everything away in the house while humming an unknown tune.

After he was done Jason took all the music instruments to the covered gazebo out front.

After about 30 minutes getting everything set up Jason wiped off his sweat and said" finally I can start trying to put My music talent to use"

Then Jason remembers a tune one the cello he wants to play

Jason used to play some violin and cello back in school so he starts to resin up his bow and tuning the cello before he starts playing from the song sheet in his head.

Alice pov

As she blurres through the forest with her family behind her she can start to see the clearing where he is

As she approaches the end of the clearing she can get a good look at him and is stunned in place from the mate bond taking place.

After she comes back to her senses Alice tries to rush forward all the way but Edward stops her with the rest of the family.

"You can't yet!" Edward hisses

"I must go" Alice struggles out trying to to scream

"No we only came here to check out what happening and where he is, even if you bond fully set in we still cant!"

As they are bickering and staring to get louder and holding her back, they hear music start playing


They all quite down even Alice as they stand and listen.

After the song ends and Jason is putting everything away and going back inside they are in a trance after listening to the song they never heard before.

After a few more moments Edward holds Alice down again as she was ready to pounce to Jason and praise him.

"Calm Alice calm, we must wait until we find out more about him and he grows up. Don't worry we will be close by and you can keep an eye on him"

As Alice calms down and just watches as Jason opens the door suddenly and starts looking around in their direction.

"Anyone there? I swear I can feel something tugging at me just right there, I feel it's important." But as he continues to scan the area he finally goes back inside and turns off the light.

The cullens finally stop standing rigid and let out the breath they were holding.

"Huh I swear he almost saw us" Emmet said laughing

"No he didn't see us, but he could feel something" Edward said after he read his mind

"He could feel the bond with Alice, that's why he scanned over here only" Carlisle said

As they looked over the house a little more as saw Jason sleeping they all started to leave while dragging Alice away as she wanted to just stay and watch.

As they made it home they sat and stood around thinking about the kid they saw.

"Well all I got from his thoughts were just the music, then him thinking of the feeling he had"

"It was a lovely song, never heard of anything like it" esme said smiling

"It was so good! I can't wait to hear more. Think he has one just for me? Or was that one for me because he could feel I was there. I should make a time to run into him!" Alice said jumping around

" you can't do that yet Alice, but you should be able to listen to him if he plays it loudly so we know when" Layla says to her

"Make sure you don't rush out to him, or take some of us with you so we can help hold you back" Edward says while patting her on the shoulder to try and calm her.

"Okay Okay sheesh!" Alice pouts

As they all chuckle and mingle together Alice just sits in a daze facing the direction of her mate. Everyone else just sighs

"Well this is how it is when someone has a bond, it's almost impossible to be away from them or stop thinking of them if they are away...she will probably be like this for a long time" Carlile says as he gazes at her.

Everyone just starts to go do their own thing and keeps a little of their attention on her so she doesn't do anything crazy.

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