The run: Tom

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( This whole entire chapter was remade due to the old one being so fakin cringey)

3rd Pov

Tom was running for his life this was not a outcome he asked for , or even wanted , but why was he scared of them and running from them for dear life .

Tom Pov

Why on earth am I running from kids , I'm an adult I should just scold them , but the thing is I'm too immature for that , and besides I hate responsibility , I can't even remember to clean my one month old laundry .

Or even wash the dishes without complaining about cleaning myself before cleaning the house.

OR even lick the Cheeto dust off my fingers before wiping them on the couch -

Im very useless so I don't think I can talk with them .


Where am I going?

Shoot what would be smarter is that I return to the house.

When he arrived to the house

It started raining how goody that could slow the kids down , I turned around and they did not look like they were going to give up , I ran into the door face first and fell flat on my back.

  I gotta get up even tho I might have two different concussions .

I get up weakly and open the door and jump inside and  ending up slamming the door in their faces just in time.

I'm alive I'm alright my face probably looks ruined by now but I don't care I'm alive .

I point outside and laugh at the kids in the wet .

But I feel off..

I feel more lighter ?

I have everything, Susan , my hood , my eye shader , what am I missing..


I look outside and there it is my flask ..

Soaking out in the wet , I mush my face into the glass .

The kids are looking at me , I'm focused on my flask more than I am on them , they look to see what i turned at .

please don't see it , please don't see it, please don't see it, please don't see it .

They see it their faces are devious , they grab it , I panic ,they open it , I panic , they sip it , I panic , they gag at it , I calm , they tip it out , I calm . . . .

They tip it out.....

I'm forever alone and I'm now dead inside , I'm crying on the floor right now the rain is getting heavier and thunder starts creeping outside, the kids are screaming now .

I look outside and laugh they're scared of thunder?

What cry babies , but they look like their about to cry I feel guilty now ..

No I don't actually they chased after me they tipped out my stress reliever and now their crying outside In the wet and there gonna get cold and then sick..

Oh what the hell ,. nevermind .

3rd Pov

The house door opens to reveal our friend tom , he snaps his finger and points his thumb into the house to signal the kids to come inside.

The two looked at each other and than tom , then they both scurried to the open door where they were greeted with a warm aura .

30mins later

The three were all warmed up next to the fire place one of the kids were asleep, the other opens her mouth to say something.

"Thank you .."

( Wow an actual good attempt hooray and 567 words too sheesh 🥳)

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