Chapter 6 Attack on Riddle Manor

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Hadrian and his forces infiltrate Riddle Manor instantly kill Nagini fight their way through the army of death eaters and Lady Voldemort herself Hadrian uses blight magic and blood magic on the death eaters and Voldemort  Fenrir Greyback becomes his newest blight werewolf and he kills everyone else including Dolores Umbridge and several other supporters using magic from Thedas that no one can counter their magic and abilities Hadrian and Voldemort dueled fiercely before Voldemort's death her death eaters are thralls under Hadrian's blood magic his mother and sister are killing both Lucius Malfoy and Draco Malfoy while Grey Wardens Cullen and Jowan are fighting through death eaters together as well as vampires giants and various other magical creatures he uses Peter Pettigrew in a blood magic sacrifice ritual to summon more demons from the fade and bind them to the living death eaters and turn them into various abominations Lady Voldemort screams in agony as her connection to all of her death eaters are instantly severed from her control now they turn on her as well and start attacking her all at once and all of her Horcruxes are instantly destroyed and absorbed into the fade then Hadrian steals all of her dark forbidden knowledge and then destroys her body and her Horcruxes and traps her complete soul in the fade and Hadrian and his entire army are victorious Hermione Granger is storming Hogwarts with her Templar allies ready to perform the rite of annulment in Hogwarts Castle End of Chapter 6.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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