Chapter 5 Massive Azkaban Breakout

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Hadrian and both his adoptive mother and adoptive sister are planning a massive Azkaban Breakout while the Darkspawn start taking control of the Ministry of Magic and slaughtering everyone inside it all the Darkspawn charge Hermione starts firing curses left and right Albus Dumbledore has finally contracted the Darkspawn taint it starts spreading rapidly throughout his body and mind until he fully becomes a tainted ghoul Hadrian's army of demons ,  abominations , Dalish Elves, Dwarven legion warriors blood mages , werewolves from Thedas , Darkspawn and Grey Wardens all storm Azkaban Prison and free Hadrian and his adoptive mother and adoptive sister from their cells the dementors join Hadrian's army as well as every vampire coven across the world , Inferi , Lethifold's & Goblin Warriors from every Gringotts Branch Hermione and her allies are hiding within Number Twelve Grimauld Place under the Fidellius Charm they forgot that Hadrian is Lord Black and has full control over all of the wards and the rest of the entire house including Kreacher the house elf Hadrian incinerates the magical portrait of Walburga Black until it's completely destroyed Severus Snape started fleeing from Grimauld Place via Floo Network suddenly several Hadrian's biological parents started using blood magic on some of the Order members to mind control them and make them all attack Hermione and the Weasley's with the dark arts including the unforgivable curses they try to flee only for Hadrian's army to capture them and knock them unconscious while Hermione and Ginny escape to Hogwarts no one else escapes from Hadrian's army Molly Prewett as well as Ron Prewett and both Fred and George Weasley are killed slowly and painfully meanwhile Hermione and Ginny are plotting vengeance against Hadrian Severus Snape is forcefully turned into an pride demon abomination under Hadrian's absolute control and he forces him to attack Ginny Prewett who escaped alive but gravely wounded Hermione Granger sacrificed herself to hold off Hadrian's forces to let Ginny Prewett escape from Hadrian and live another day her last words were run and live for me and avenge your family's deaths Ginny nodded before escaping again the Templars surrounded both Hadrian and his allies as well as a dying Hermione Granger who has a slash wound across her stomach and is bleeding heavily the knight commander tries to apprehend Hadrian but he laughs and teleports away along with his allies Hermione is coughing up blood while being healed by the templars and priestesses suddenly a Grey Warden walks into the healing chamber with the cure for her disease first he invokes the rite of conscription and hands Hermione a goblet filled with Darkspawn blood and he says for you to live you need to go through the joining ritual it's your only cure from this moment forth Hermione Granger you are a Grey Warden she passes out and she has nightmares of Hadrian and his allies taking over the entire earth with his allies from both this new world and the fade she doesn't know that Hadrian controls the grey wardens through the darkspawn taint within them and she get her calling way to soon and she goes to slaughter as many darkspawn as possible and she sees an immortal older Hadrian sitting in a throne he has control over Orzammar the kingdom of the dwarves as well as the Dalish Elves and the Circle of Magi he laughs as he sees her shocked face at seeing him still alive and that the darkspawn and the grey wardens both serve him along with the mages and templars and the Dalish Elves Clans now he has a wicked smile on his face as Ginny Prewett walks into the room as a fully tainted ghoul completely corrupted by the Darkspawn taint she attacks Hermione with a poisoned dagger and her shrieks summon more darkspawn that outnumber Hermione Hadrian says you will die now traitor now he laughs with an evil laugh combined with the black family madness luckily for Hermione a group of Grey Warden survivors as well as Legion of the Dead Members all charge Hadrian suddenly he vanishes and Hermione is stabbed in the stomach by Ginny Prewett a group of Mages heal her from the poison but the group "killed" Ginny Prewett after saving Hermione Granger they take her to safety then they escape from Hadrian while he heals Ginny and sends blight infected werewolves after them including Teddy Lupin Remus Lupin and Fenrir Greyback who are all Werewolves and who he infected all three of them with the blight end of chapter 5.

Hadrian Mahariel Sabrae Amell Cousland The Heir of The Grey WardensWhere stories live. Discover now