I tried to say sorry

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Sorry-Justin Bieber

Hyunjin pov

Flash back

"So have you heard the rumors about you and the model Lee Felix?" The Reporter asked kindly "of course I have, and I am here to tell you that-" I was cut of by a sudden voice that rung in my head "we are!" I whipped my body around as fast as I could, I was in shock it was Felix sprinting towards me at full speed. I tried to move knowing he was going to run into me but I couldn't I stood there, as I felt a tear roll down my cheek I snapped right back to reality and quickly turned to the camera and said " correction we were dating"

End of flashback

"Ugh why the hell did I say that?" I cursed myself while sitting on my bed "How could I say that to him? What the fuck is wrong with me?" I whispered to myself as my eyes started to blur, I felt my head start to pound, my lips shaking, my leg moving up and down rapidly, breathes fast and slow coming from my mouth -trying to calm down although its not very effective- I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I grabbed a grey sweat shirt and white skinny jeans, then went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I proceeded to groan walking down the stairs a thumping noise with each step towards the door as I headed to a photo shoot that got scheduled for my new drama I'm staring in with 'unknown' I didn't read the message or email or letter my manager sent me, I only really read my parts in the script.

Next I got into the car and drove to the shoot location.

Felix pov

Today I have about 10 photo shoots, I mean I get it I'm a model but what person gives a model 10 shoots going from 6:00am to 10:00am. Like how is the possible? 10 shoots in 4 hours?

I got out of the shower and put on a black dress shirt and black ripped jeans. After I got dressed I realized I don't know who my first shoot is with nobody ever told me. Oh well ill find out when I get there.

I walked into the building of the shoot and as soon as I walked in I saw someone I thought I'd never see again not after yesterday, no!

HWANG HYUNJIN! My 'ex' boyfriend( we never really broke up) I stared at him and our eyes met we both stared for what felt like years. I gulped as he started walking towards me at full speed, I started slowly stepping backwards out the door . I slipped. I was going to fall flat on my back. I closed my eyes prepared to fall, but I didn't. I felt someone grip on to my wrist, I looked up expecting my manager but, no Hwang Hyunjin, the one who broke my heart 1 too many times. I managed to let out a thanks and he pulled me up.

We stood face to face, I could see the feeling of guilt and sadness in his eyes, but in my eyes you saw red. I clenched my fists making a ball, how dare he break my heart then the next day help me like what the hell!!

" Why are you here" I said in a sassy tone " Why the sass Lix" he questioned "Well I don't know maybe because you're and asshole" I shot back rudely, now more upset than ever. "Felix?" I heard a familiar voice in the background of us two say - Christopher Bang, mid 20's, Singer-rapper-songwriter, doesn't talk to a lot of people other than Friends and Family, cute but can be very manly when he wants to, and last but not least HOT like sometimes hotter than me and I'm pretty hot, but of course not as hot a Hyunjin...

That is when I stopped why was I thinking about how hot this meanie was, I shook my head and looked at Chris " Hey Chan!(what his Friends call him)" I said completely ignoring the fact that Hyunjin looked hurt. "Hey Lix" he said in a cheerful voice then glanced at Hyunjin "Oh, hey Hyunjin..." ( Chan new everything about me and Hyunjin well because he is one of my best friends other than Minho and Jisung, Chan was just easier to talk to. And he kinda found out on his own when he came over to my house for the cookies I told him I made and found me and Hyunjin making out on the couch, but we don't talk about that anymore at least.)

I tried to tell him that we were just playing a game, but he wasn't fooled. So I had to tell him.

Bang Chan pov

I noticed that Felix looked mad, and a little disgusted. That was when I saw Hyunjin he looked hurt and a bit mad, "Lixie come we have to get you ready for the shoot!" I exclaimed pulling him into the dressing room "WHAT IS HYUNJIN DOING HERE?" I whisper yelled "He's here for a shoot" Felix replied back nervously "How come you didn't kick his ass or at least tell him to go?" I asked confused " that's what I was doing before you got there." he sassed back "oh sorry" I apologized "It's ok, now help me pick out and outfit" he said excitedly.

This is what he wore

This is what he wore

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(black hair)

"thanks Chan" he said politely " you're welcome Lix" I replied a giant smile on both of our faces.

Hyunjin pov

I stood there shocked and a little annoyed as Chris took Felix away, I was finally going to get my chance to talk to Felix and clear things up. Even though it didn't seem that he wanted to talk to me, I would have still tried I mean he was my boyfriend after all and technically speaking he still is. I told myself with a smirk lying on my face.

(I finally thought of what to write and got this chapter out I hope you like it, I know that this is going to be a short and fast book but it was hard think of anything for this topic so I will try and make the next book I make be longer. This will probably be one of the last chapters.) bye bye, and if someone hasn't told you today, I love you and know that no matter what you do you are always meant to be loved and cherished and if the people around you don't give you that then find people who will.

not proof read because I'm lazy, sorry

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