Blood Thirst

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I jumped up from my bed and heard within the something open within the house. I went to the kitchen and found the basement door open. My whole body was trembling. My hand could barely hold on to the flashlight. I turned around and suddenly found a knife through my chest. I dropped down to the floor screaming while holding my body. I looked up to find an cimmerian figure standing tall in front of me. I backed away and got up to run to the front door. I opened it just in time to get away. I felt the blood run down my body as I ran down the street. My heart was about to burst through my body. The only sound I could hear was the beating of my heart. I ran to every house on the street and pounded my fist on the door, but nobody answered. I looked through the windows but darkness was the only thing I could see. I had no where else to run. My head was feeling lighter than a feather. I started to stumble upon my feet. My body was colder than ever. The only source of light that I had was from the lampposts. I looked down at my hands and saw them covered in a blanket of blood. My eyes were fluttering and suddenly I fainted.

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