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113 3 7

Richie pov

I can't fall asleep. a saying that kids would say to their moms so they can tuck them in properly, but this was for real.

I couldn't get to sleep because of the anxiety running through my head at 1000 miles per hour.

I couldn't help but scream them all away into my pillow, so they would stop. it worked. and I slowly closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

A few months ago...

I grabbed my book off my shelf and shoved it into my bag as I ran downstairs. "Bye mum!" I yelled.

No response.

As usual too busy to care about me.

I slammed the door behind me so that she could acknowledge that I was gone, and grabbed my skateboard from behind a pot plant in front of our house.

If my dad caught me with this, I wouldn't be living right now. I thought to myself while skating down a quiet street of Hawkins.

I made my way into school, today was a record. I got 32 hellos, 24 fist bumps and 19 high fives. Not that I was counting or anything.

I found my way to the back of the school to meet up with my best friends; El, Max, Will, Lucas, Dustin and Mike. They were the greatest friends you could ever wish for.

We do literally anything together and always have each other's backs.

"Richard Tozier, please report to the office immediately." Came the voice on the intercom speaker.

They all looked at me with wide eyes secretly praying that it wasn't something bad.

I shrugged it off and walked, with my bag, to the school's office. I could feel everyone's eyes burning holes into my back with their judgemental looks and weird stares.

When arrived at the office there were two ladies at a large desk. "Richard Tozier?" They asked me. "It's Richie." I replied insinuating that I was indeed the person they were looking for. "The principle wants to see you." One of them said.

I gulped nervously and started to walk down a long corridor towards a scary wooden door that had 'PRINCIPLE' carved onto it and I slipped inside.

I looked around at the boring room with their only being a desk that the principle sat at, three chairs with adults seated in two and a large bookshelf taking up the entire back wall.

The two adults in the chairs turned around as the door closed behind me. "Mum, dad?" I asked feeling confused. "Hey son." My dad said with a fake half smile. Now that I was older I could see straight through their false personality they put on.

I took a seat on a lonely chair placed between my parents watched them whisper back and fourth taking glances at me. They're probably wondering when I got pimples, but at the same time I don't think they even realised that I had dark brown eyes until now.

The principle looked at me and then my parents, waiting for them to stop whispering to one another. He finally turns to me and says. "Your parents have come here today to do some paperwork." "For what?" I question. Finally my mum buts in, "We're moving." She claimed.


Eddie pov

Present time

I could tell that the sun was shining through the curtains of my windows even though my eyes were closed. It's funny how we can do that really.

I then get cut off by my thoughts by my mother walking into the room. (I made his mom nice in this ff ok) "Eddie Bear, time to wake up! You have school today remember?" "Yeah yeah." I yawn as I slowly stretched out my arms and legs.

I get dressed putting on my red short shorts and a pink polo shirt, and go downstairs to eat breakfast. "Eddie I made you some bacon and eggs!" My mum said sweetly.

After breakfast I checked the time, 7:52. 'Right on time' I thought to myself as I walked out the door.

I walked down my lonely the road by myself. As a kid I had always wished some kids would move in next door. But whenever they do their either too young or too old, or just don't want to hang around with a germaphobe like me.

I keep walking until I realise I'm actually at the school gate already. I could see Stan and Bill off to the side having a conversation and Ben holding hands with his girlfriend on the other side. They have probably been sucking face and I didn't want to interrupt so I chose Bill and Stan.

"H-hey Eddie!" Said Bill with a genuine smile on his face. "Hi Bill, Hi Stan." I reply. "How was your weekend?" Stan asked. "It was fine" I say back knowing that I did absolutely nothing.

"H-have you s-seen th-the new kid?" Bill stutters. "What new kid?" I ask him. "There's a new kid who moved here today." Stan exclaimed. "Alright, I'll look out for him." I say jokingly with a wink, and with that, the school bell rings and I hurry off to class.

I sit down in my usual seat and start unpacking the supplies I need for English from my backpack in a fashionably order. Then the teacher exclaims, "Listen up class! Before we start today we have a new student joining us for the rest of the year!"

"His name is Richard, make him feel welcomed!" She continued. As she said this a very tall lanky boy walked into the room he had black curly hair that covered his face and red framed glasses.

He was very attractive. I blushed at this thought. "It's Richie." He interrupted. "Oh I'm sorry Richie, you can go take a seat next to Eddie."

I saw Richies eyes darting around the room to look for the only spare seat in the room and when he did he walked over to it and sat down dropping his stuff down on his desk.

I stared at him in shock that he could just plonk his stuff onto a desk and not organise it. I must've stared for too long because he looked me up and down and chuckled "Like what you see?"

I almost choked on my own spit.

I quickly look back down at my book to hide the blush that was starting to wash over my face.


Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm not sure how many chapters I'll be doing but until then, stay healthy, drink water and most importantly eat some food!! It will help make you feel better <33

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