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Eddie pov (still)

He held his hand out for me to shake, and I scrunch my face up in disgust.

"What's wrong? Are my hands gross or something?" He laughed, sounding kind of offended. "No sorry, I just don't do hand shaking." I said, "it's not my thing."

Richie nodded and turned back around to face the teacher who was writing down something on the board. "Class we are going to do a partner assignment, so you can pair up with whoever." She called out.

I jumped out of my chair and ran straight to Stan, my best friend since day 1 in this world. He smiled at me giving me permission to work with him, and we started our project together.

Suddenly, I could hear Ben's girlfriend laughing really hard from somewhere in the classroom, it didnt involve me so I kept my mind on the project. But then I heard a different laugh. A laugh I hadn't heard before. It sounded like it was sent straight from heaven so I swiftly turn around to see Richie with Ben's girlfriend laughing their asses off.

I turn back around suddenly jealous. I didn't know why but I wanted to make Richie laugh.


Richie pov

When the teacher announced that we are going to be doing partner work I see everyone frantically scurry around to find a partner, including the guy that sat next to me.. what was his name? Eli? Edwin? Edmond? Who tried to speed walk over to someone, nearly tripping over and dropping his books (twice).

I look around until I spotted the same fiery hair from many years ago. "Oh bevyy!" I taunt walking over to her. She turns around and I saw as her eyes lit up when she saw the iconic red glasses. "Oh trashmouthh!" She retorted. We laugh at the nicknames we had given each other as kids and start to talk about the project.. And other stuff.

"Oh my godd, do you remember that one time when you did a backflip on a slip 'n slide and got a huge rash on your stomach!" I laugh really hard at this. "Yeah! that hurt like a bitch!"

She giggles and then asks, "meet me after school?" I quickly nod my head signalling to Bev that it was a definite yes.

After school I walk over to the front gate to not only see Beverly there, but also a boy our age who had short brown hair, quite chubby and was kissing Bev on the cheek.

I stood there in shock, and then she noticed me standing there with my jaw dropped so she told Ben to introduce himself.

"Hi, umm, I'm Ben." He said shyly. "Hey there haystack, I'm Richie Trashmouth Tozier!" I say in a goofy way. He smiles at this and says goodbye to both of us and goes over to his mum's car that was waiting for him.

"We'll he's a nice boyfriend you've got their bevy." I say smirking. "Beep beep Rich!" She says smiling. "Ok ok, I surrender!" And with that we walk together, holding hands like the old times.

Eddie pov

After school that eventful day I walked home as per usual but when I unlocked the door everything was dark. Which is weird because my mum finished work at 1:30pm, so she is usually home before me unless she goes shopping but she would have left me a message. I flicked on the light. She was definitely not home.

'Hmph that's weird.' I thought to myself as I walk over to my room.

I got out my phone again and decided to ring Stan. "Eddie? What is it?" Stan asked knowing that the only reason I call him is when I need something urgently or if it's for an assignment at school.

"Is my mum over at yours?" I question him. "Nope, she's not at bill's either, we rode home together." He replied.

"Oh alright, thanks for the help Stan." I say, ending the call.

"Where could she be?" I muttered to myself.

Richie pov

When Bev and I got to my house, I hid my skateboard behind a random pot plant at the front of the house. "Still do that huh?" She smiled. "Yep my dad would literally kill me if he found out that I bought a skateboard with his money." I said.

I opened the door and me and bev ran straight up to my room. "Don't worry my mum doesn't mind you being here." I say. She nods her head knowing what my parents are like.

Bev stuffs her hand into her pocket and pulls out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. "Want one?" She asks. "Yeah." I answer her greatfully.

We both sit near the windowsill in silence taking puffs of our cigarettes, when we hear a knock on the front door downstairs.

"Ms Kaspbrak! Hi, How are you?" My mum says as she invites the guest inside. "Who the fuck is Ms Casserole?" I ask Bev.

She laughs for a full 5 minutes about how I called 'Mrs Kaspbrak' Ms Casserole and then told me, "Mrs Kaspbrak is one of Ben's friends' mum, he goes to our school, I think his name is Edward, but he likes to be called Eddie."

"Oh yeah I know Eddie, I have to sit next to him in our English class." I tell Bev. "Yeah? Well that's his mum." She says.

"WHY IS EDDIE'S MUM AT MY DOOR?" I whisper-yelled at Bev. Bev shrugged her shoulders. "Hang on, Ben invited me into some weird group chat with his friends and I'm pretty sure Eddie is in there, so I'll give you his phone number so you can ask him!" She exclaims.

"What? No! I don't want Eddie's number, I'll look like a psycho!" I say defensively. "Too bad." Beverly says as she adds it onto my phone.

"Nooooo!" I scream dramatically but softly. Beverly laughs at my antics. "Fine, since I have his phone number now, I'll ask him." I say, looking playfully angry at Bev.

On Messages

Richie - Hey

Eddie - Who is this?

Richie - Richie Toziers the name

Eddie - Richie? From English? How did you get my number??

Richie - Beverly Marsh

Eddie - You mean Bens Girlfriend??

Richie - Positive

Eddie - Ok then.. What do you want?

Richie - im wounded ed's 💔

Eddie - Tell. Me.

Richie - I'm just curious why your mum is in me rn

Eddie - Wtf

Richie - I was just joking Edwardo but she is in my home tho

Eddie - THAT'S WHERE SHE IS! Also don't call me Edwardo ever again.

Richie - Never Edwardo😉

Eddie - Stfu😒

Richie - :(

Eddie - Ok this is getting weird now.

Richie - Uhh girl, your mum is in his house YES THIS IS WEIRD

Richie - Sorry Bev stole my phone

Eddie - oh uh ok then..

Richie - Gn sleep tight let the bed bugs bite😘😘

Eddie - 🖕


Heyy, so uhh, sorry if these chapters are a bit short, i can try making them longer if you want. see you next part and stay healthy!! <33

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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