Part 03

186 10 17

When in doubt, you can't find a way out

Dream looked around in wonder, taking in his surroundings after Horror abruptly interrupted his musings. Which was a good thing because he was going to procrastinate dwelling on those thoughts.

Horror was surprisingly gentle despite what happened earlier. Dream would someday ask how he easily adapted to the current situation.

The ax-wielding skeleton ushered him towards the living room, telling him that it would be more comfortable there. "If I ever find myself with another head injury, I'd rather sit on the couch," Horror said. Dream nods, agreeing to whatever they had just said.

It's really easy to agree to everything when you can't remember anything!

"Why don't we teleport?" Dream blurted out as Horror held on his shoulder to whatever direction the living room was. It would be easy to teleport, right? At least, it would be easy to go to the room without having to walk the dreary halls. Not that Mr Joku has terrible taste but the way the place is designed is really gloomy.

"Those are for important stuff," Horror answers, "Like dodging from deadly weapons." Ah. That – ... Horror really seems keen on dropping information out of nowhere.

"Like your ax?"

"Let's not talk about that."


".. Cheer up. We're going to see Cross."

It wasn't like Dream had no other questions so he didn't push the whole 'you-tried-to-impale-me'. There were more important things he wanted to know to fill that empty gap in his head! His consciousness was urging him to be aware of everything in case something bad happens, like something that got out of hand that a whole village would come into their doorstep with pitchforks and — Dream slaps his cheeks lightly. That was so oddly specific that it probably came from some lucid dream.

They meet up with who he assumes to be Cross. The black and white color scheme really brought out that cool red scar. Like many of the members of Mr Joku's group, Dream bets that the guy had a knife hidden in those layers of clothing.

Dream offers his hand, beaming. Cross hadn't even pulled out any lethal weapons or biting remarks when he saw him! So surely, he was friends with him.

It's really ... a low bar.

"Cross, right?"

On the other hand, Cross seemed startled, dropping the bar of chocolate he had been eating. The skeleton looks incredulously at him then Horror.

"Excuse me but what is going on?" Oh! His friend was also pretty vocal with his thoughts.

From behind Dream, Horror stares at Cross unblinking, an unspoken message that said: go along with it, no questions asked. Not that the amnesiac ever saw it.

Cross shakes his hand slowly, not trusting himself to say the right words. "Haha. I thought that you, Dream—," Horror nods discreetly,"— had somewhere else to be."

"Was I supposed to?"

"Yup, definitely! Plenty of AUs to travel, missions and all that," Cross adds hastily. "You're — often very busy! Barely coming back to the castle until the boss hauls you back. Oh, speaking of him."

He glimpses at the clock expectantly, waiting for the long-hand strike six. Dream, curious, watches with him. Was something supposed to happen? Murder-y things?

In a second, Killer came in with his arm around Dust's shoulder who looked dead inside. "Hey bastards! Time to eat!" Killer cheerfully exclaims as if nothing happened earlier.

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