🌸Chapter Seven🌸

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The five of you were walking down to the park, talking about random things such as school, and hobbies

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The five of you were walking down to the park, talking about random things such as school, and hobbies. and other things. They were mainly asking these things of you though. "Why are you guys asking me all these questions?" You asked curiously. It wasn't like you were against it.."Because..we want to get to know you!" Simon exclaimed with a small smile. "Exactly, since you will probably be hanging out with us...?" Fredrick's voice trailed off as he saw your face get a little unsure. It went quiet for a little bit before Mark spoke up again. "Only if you want to of course..! We really wouldn't mind having you around!" Mark said as a blush rose to his face. You thought for a moment, just a moment.

'It wouldn't be so bad, would it? I don't go outside since it's always cold...even when it's not I don't.'

You then smiled at them softly. "I would be delighted," you said. The three boys let out noises of excitement at your final answer. "Did you hear that Mike?" Fredrick said, nudging him. "She is delighted to hang out with us." He snickered. Michael pushed him slightly with a small blush on his face. You all continued to walk to the park, continuing to chat with one another. You couldn't help but notice how Michael would look at you from the corner of your eye. You couldn't tell if it was a bad sign or not..his eyes held a soft manner though when he looked at you.

You five were finally at the park. You immediately ran over to the swings, leaving the boys behind. You got on one swing and started to swing. You enjoyed the swings for some reason, either way, you didn't care. The others went shortly followed along and played on the equipment a bit as well. Little did you know, they were talking about a little plan of theirs.

Michael's POV

"Okay, you have to make a move," Mark said in a whisper voice. I felt my stomach do flips of anxiety and nervousness. I wanted to talk to her but I just couldn't. I was worried that I would say something rude and make her think that I'm just some freak. "..I don't know." I mumbled, kicking a rock down the stairs that lead to the slides. "Oh come on, man," Fredrick said with a sigh. "Y'know, it's...weird seeing you like this." He added on. I gave him a small glare and rolled my eyes. "Wow thank you for reminding me, jackass." I hated it when I acted like this. It just didn't feel right. Fuck my father for telling me all these years if I show any "feelings" that show weakness or shit then I'm hopeless.

"Michael, you can't just ignore her forever," Mark said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "If you want her to go out to the dance with you, you gotta get some confidence and show her what you're made of." I have to be honest, despite Mark never being in a relationship with someone, he does give out great advice. "Exactly, I'm sure Miss Y/n will give you a second chance!" Simon said not even looking at me. He was instead looking at Y/n who was in her little world while swinging on the swings. "Fine. I'll do it." I said while standing up from the top stair. The others silently cheered at my response. "but if this doesn't go well, your dead." I said threateningly. "Trust me, this will go well....I hope." Mark and nervously with a nervous smile going along with it. I started to walk over to Y/n, feeling that same feeling of anxiety.

🌸Y/n's POV🌸

I was looking down at the ground, thinking about random things. Since the boys were chatting, I didn't want to bother them so I just started to think about random things. Of course, I didn't hear them or what they were talking about. My eyes slightly widened when I saw a shadow appearing on the ground from where I was looking, noticing getting closer. I raised my head and saw Michael. What could he possibly want? Was he here just to start something with me? Probably to get back at me for standing up to him earlier in English...

"What is it, Michael," I said, my voice full of annoyance. I'm not sure if it was just me but I could've sworn I saw his face saddened a bit but I wasn't one hundred percent sure. "Listen," He said, looking away from me. "I'm..I'm sorry for what I said earlier in English." My eyes widened. Michael was...apologizing to me? This has to be some sort of prank. Why would he even admit that he was in the wrong in that situation? "I don't think that you are a whore...I..think that your.." His voice trailed off as his face turned red. I just stared at him for a little while knowing what to say at all. He never acts like this...some part of me wants to forgive him but the other part of me is telling me no.

'Maybe I should give him one last chance? It does look like he means it...I'm sure that he's sorry-'

"S-Say something..! It's alrighty fucking embarrassing.."

I snapped out of my thoughts. His face got even redder by the second. "Sorry...I also forgive you." I said quickly. Michael's eyes seemed to widen a bit as he looked at me. "...what?"

"I forgive you, Michael," I said softly and more clearly. Michael seemed to relax a bit, its red color fading away just a bit. "Okay...thanks." He mumbled. I felt a small smile rise on my face and nodded. "Your welcome, Michael."

Michael's POV


I felt like I was going to lose my mind. She..actually forgave me. She even gave me that smile that she gave Simon in the fifth period...She looked pretty right now..holy shit. Now I understand why Simon wants her to step on his face cause damn.

I could hear the others silently cheer in the distance, letting me know that they watched the whole thing unfold. I felt..good. Just having Y/n forgive me and give me that smile she gives everyone just makes me feel nice. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a small ding noise. Y/n reached into her pocket and took out her phone, reading the notification for a second.

"Guys, I have to go now." She said, standing up from the swing. I looked at the sky and saw that it was getting a little dark out. "Aww..will you come and play with us tomorrow?" Simon asks her with those disgusting puppy eyes of his. She nodded, receiving a cheer from Simon.

"Bye Mark, Simon, Fredrick," She said waving at them. She then turned to me and gave me a small smile that made my heart speed up a bit. "Bye Michael." She said, turning on her heel and walking away. I watched as she walked further and further away from the rest of us, feeling drawn to her.

"Dude," Fredrick said, nudging me. "Don't think about her too much, your gonna get a boner." I glared at him harshly while the others laughed at his little teasing. "Shut the fuck up" I muttered. "Don't worry Mike, I understand. I always wanted her to just ruin-" "Stop. I'm going home."

🌸─── ∙ ↤THE END↦ ∙ ──🌸

♡𝒮𝓁𝑜𝓌 𝒥𝒶𝓂♡ 𝑀𝒾𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑒𝓁 𝒜𝒻𝓉𝑜𝓃 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇Where stories live. Discover now