Alone. (Chapter 3).

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//Vause P.O.V.

It was five a.m. The usual time that I woke up. I never expected to see so many people in the showers today, so of course I had to wait in a fucking line. The only thing I didn't know was that who was in the shower. or what was even going on. Usually no one is up at five a.m. unless a fight happened, and that's when I expected the worse. So instead of waiting in line to see what happened, I ran to Piper's bunk, the one she now shared with Taystee and didn't see her there, I knew she got into a fight with Pennsatucky after the Christmas pageant but where could she have gone? I thought to myself before mumbling against my breath, ''Fuck kid, what did you get yourself into?'' I ran back into the showers before seeing her, and her body. Oh god, no no. This can't be happening. I ran over to her limp body, seeing a huge gash on her stomach before starting to feel the tears form. ''No, no, no! Piper you can't leave me like this!'' I shout as I fall to my knees; I mean I knew it was in a prison bathroom, but fuck. You need to be dramatic sometimes. The CO's start to come in as I hold onto Piper and run my fingers through her hair. She can't die on me, not yet. Not now. Not ever.

//Chapman P.O.V.

I woke up in a dark and light tinted room. Was I seeing things? Man, I don't know what's going on, my mind is totally fucked up right now. Where am I? How'd I get here? I don't know, but I'm scared and I really need Alex. Fuck- seriously where the fuck am I?! I turn my head to the left to see Polly on the phone. I look at my hands as my vision is still blurry and I look to see dried blood and handcuffs attached to a bed. A Hospital. I'm really in a fucking Hospital. I look at Polly who seems to be on the phone with someone, tilting my head to the side as I'm confused. ''Ah, she's up Supercunt. Want to talk to your girlfriend?'' Polly asks and I immediately know who she is talking to. I nod my head quickly before trying to grab the phone out of her reach, whining. ''Come on, Polly! Let me talk to her!" I shout before grabbing the phone, pressing it up to my ear as I breathe out ''Alex, I miss you so fucking much. What happened?'' As I asked that, I was holding the phone for my life as she replies with ''One of Tiffany's meth-head followers stabbed you while you were getting a shower, you could've died on me, Kid. I miss you too so fucking much. I'll see you when you get back; I gotta go. There's a line. I love you.'' She finishes and I say the same three words back before feeling some tears form ''I love you too, Al.''

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