Chapter 1

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"Fuck, shit, fuck, shit." I muttered as I ran through the forest in human form, holding the gash that refused to stop bleeding.

My inner wolf was trying to get out as I sprinted away, but I couldn't let him out yet. If I was this hurt when I took a back seat then shit could get ugly fast.

I hear paws pounding through the underbrush behind me and I spin around to see three wolves approaching. One was a dark grey, another was a normal grey but had a massive scar down his ribs. The last seemed to be the leader of the group, because when he slowed to a walk, the others followed. He had eyes so dark that I thought they could have been all black, and a bite scar on his upper right paw.

"Fuck!" I said angrily. I would have to shift.

The three wolves seemed to think that they had won, but at that moment, I let that animal inside take over. I tore the ground up with how fast I rush towards the first wolf. I was mid change, but still human enough to lead with a right knee to the snout, and when he went down, I slammed both my fists into its sides, shattering both its ribs and puncturing its lungs. My wolf forced the rest of the change on me in that instant, but I was also body slammed by the other two wolves at that second.

I let myself go as my wolf took over. In many way, we were complete opposites. He liked to be violent first, and I tried to talk things out. However, at that moment we both knew what we had to do.

He spun around and ripped at the neck of the wolf assaulting our side, but at a price. The second wolf bite into our shoulder. He finished off the other before rolling to the side, smashing the final wolfs head into the ground. He kept rolling until he was on top of the neck, then he arced his back before slamming it down and breaking the wolf's neck.

He started to run as our injuries healed, but eventually a wave of exhaustion hit us so hard that we had to stop and rest. More like he dropped to the ground and we passed out.

Two Days Later

When I woke, I still felt the effects of our fight. My chest was sore where I had been cut, my hand hurt where I had broken it punching that wolf. I should have been fully healed but I guess that my general lack of energy had made me heal slower.

I sat up from the bed I was in. Wait, bed. I felt my wolf get uneasy, shit, he didn't know what was going on either.

I examined my surrounding, I was laying on a cot in a green tent. I had my shirt removed and was wearing a fresh pair of jeans. I smelled fire, food, and at least three different people. And I recognized one of them.

"Shit" I muttered to myself as I started to get up.

I didn't hear anyone at the moment but I knew that could change in an instant. I found my bloodstained shirt and grimaced. It was mostly shredded. I unzipped the tent and walked out casually to find that no one was there. I smiled and threw my shirt into the fire.

A dull thud behind me made me rethink my solitude. I tensed up and got ready for a fight before spinning around and looking at who my opponent was. And God damn it all to hell.

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