xi | break-in

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CHAPTER 11 — break-in
S1:E4 "The Last Picture Show"

the woods


She knew she should've stopped him, but curiosity got the best of her. The man on the phone sounded extremely serious and was trying to keep it together. Although her Serpent friend was very much against the idea of her coming with him, he knew she wouldn't back down.

"I think that we should reconsider bringing you with me." His voice reached her ears as a whisper, as they got off the motorcycle and the sound of their feet crunching the leaves beneath them was the only thing that followed his words.

She let out a soft sigh, "I'm not letting you go alone, who knows what happened, Joaquin? He sounded pretty scared." His arm in front of her halted her movements. She looked at him, raising her eyebrows in question "You're staying here."

"You really think—" he cut her off, covering her mouth with his palm and said with a low, almost fear-filled voice "This is Serpent business, Aria. And as you said, it's serious. I don't want you involved in any of this, please, it's for your safety. Just listen to me, and stay here. I'll come back as quick as possible."

She saw the look in his eyes, determined and fearful. "But, me being alone out here, won't—" He was looking deep in her eyes, pleading. With a slightly agitated sight, she looked away, "Fine. Go, please come back alive and be careful. Stay quiet on your way there, and back." She advised him with worry, but he smirked back, trying to lighten the mood "This is not the first time FP has called me for something like this, A. I know what I'm doing."

The redhead's radiant glare went through his eyes, seeing which his smile widened. "I'll be fine, I promise." Giving a reassuring squeeze to her hand, he passed by her. Going deeper into the woods, she wondered whether this was just a regular Serpent call for help or, had been something more important.

Her red curls bounced as she whipped her head to the opposite side of the woods, where she heard a snap of a stick. Deciding not to question, or go towards it like in the horror movies, she stayed put. In a direction where she could see Joaquin's motorcycle, so she could make a run for it if needed, and next to a pile of rocks, in case she needed to hit and run.

She kept glancing around, paranoia seeking through her mind, taking all her possible thoughts and turning them into negative possibilities. If it was possible, the eeriness of the woods had become creepier than a few moments ago. As she was looking around her thoughts driving her crazy by thinking she wasn't alone.

Her thoughts weren't lying.

The redhead frantically, yet somehow not that loudly, hid behind a huge tree after seeing a dark shadow dash from in front of her. Her breathing turned erratic when she realised that it wasn't an animal, nor was it just a shadow of her imagination.

There was somebody else in the woods. Could be a biker, a late-night jogger or a clown serial killer. The probabilities were endless, and she was scared shitless. She had a sombre feeling about this call, but she couldn't let him go alone.

As she peeked back from her place behind the tree, she didn't get time to comprehend who was sprinting towards her from the back. Before she could look back, a hand gripped hers tightly and dragged her away.

Her body to a second to process what was happening, and tripped over small branches on the floor a couple of times. However after she caught a glimpse of his long jet-black hair, she knew it was Joaquin.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 & 𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒, riverdale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now