Harsh Reality

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(After some days)
Y/N wasn't feeling good. She was having headache and was vomiting continuously. So, she went to hospital.

Doctor - I'm soo sorry to say but Mrs.Park you are having last stage cancer and you have only 1 week to live.
Y/N - (I was broken from inside to hear this but Jimin would be happy knowing his wish is fulfilled) "Oh-okay doctor"

(At house)
Y/N - "Hey Jimin, how are you early today?"
Jimin - "Why do you care"
Y/N - "That's right, why do I care?" (went in her room)
Jimin - (what happened to here? why her eyes were teary?)

(After days)
Tomorrow is the last day of the week after that Jimin wish would be granted and I'll sleep forever.

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