chapter three

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~maddy lively~

''hey wake up'' i hear someone whisper slightly, nudging my shoulder. i groan slightly, wrapping my hoodie tighter around myself. ''kid get up'' another voice said but this one is deeper and more serious. my eyes shoot open and i jump slightly at the closeness of the girls face to mine.

and then it all hits me, i slept out here but im not sure for how long since its still dark. ''are you okay?'' the girl asks me and i just look at her. shes got long blonde hair that is curled at the bottom and then pulled into a half up half down. shes really pretty.

the boy behind her comes down kneeling down next to her. he reaches out to grab my face but i swat his hand away flinching back slightly. he pulls his hand back putting it back down by his side. ''are you hungry?'' he questions and i just stare at him. when i dont answer he sighs and gets up pulling out a set of keys and unlocking a door in the side of the building im sitting against. ''if your hungry, your welcome to come in here before we actually open and get some food'' the girl says before getting up and extending her hand for me.

i reach up and grab her hand after hearing the desperate rumble of my stomach. she smiles at the act of me taking her hand. ''my names crystal'' she says shaking my hand slightly. ''maddy'' i tell her and she smiles before signalling for me to go first. ''dont worry we aren't bad people or anything freddie just likes the door locked at all times if we aren't open to the public'' she says calming down most of my worries in that one moment.

the floor board creak under my feet as i carry on walking up the stairs. extending my hand slightly i run it along the cold bricks of the walls posters hang on the walls some fresh some not so much. ''this door?'' i question crystal and she nods, i open the door to be greeted with a gym but not a gym where you would go to work out it was clearly a gym to train. for boxing.

my eyes scan over the punching bags handing from the celling. crystal flickers on some lights and that's when i get a better look at what ive walked into. a big ring sits in the middle of the room, behind it is a picture of a man who i dont know. belts and awards hang from the wall along with a trophy case at its side. dark oak benches run along the side. with a basket at the end of each with towels in.

i look around admiring everything in this place, and the crazy thing is that you would never believe this was here, its not like they have a massive sigh outside saying gym, no from the outside it just looks like a normal building.

suddenly a throat clears from behind me and jump slightly. turning around this time im not faced with crystal this time its freddie. ''you like this stuff?'' he questions looking around the gym and i just shrug, ''ive never tried it so i wouldn't know'' he just watches me admire the ring ropes.

the smell of bacon rushes into my nose and my stomach growls. ''come on'' he says with a head tilt before walking into another room. i follow him into the back and a little kitchen is stored here. it looks nice. freddie sits down and i sit opposite him, crystal comes over handing me a bacon sandwich and my mouth waters slightly, but i cant help the guilty feeling that im eating this while kayla is at school. the lady said she will take care of her im guessing that's food aswell just eat it maddy.

we all sit in silence as i try and eat the food slowly. ''i have to ask you something'' crystal suddenly speaks up and my eyes find hers, at first i thought she was talking to freddie but then when he didn't answer my guess was proven wrong.

''ok what do you want to know'' she puts her drink down before placing her hands on the table. ''are you homeless, if you are maddy we can help you, we can take you to the system where they will help you but yo-'' before she can finish i laugh slightly. ''im sorry, but no im not homeless some things just happened at home and i wanted a break'' i tell them trying to keep as much detail out of it as possible.

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