chapter twenty nine

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~maddy lively~

''maddy you need to think about this'' freddie exclaims as i keep punching the bag over and over sending right jabs left jabs hooks everything i can because im so pissed off, he touched her, he fucking tried to rape her, i knew something was off on that day when he came to the house and wouldn't take his eyes off of kayla.

i have a million different things going on today, but the only thing i can focus on is going to that bar and beating the shit out of him, i dont care what happens after he just needs to die, that's all i need to do or badly hurt but i would prefer option A.

''maddys the cops are keeping a good eye on you'' freddie suddenly tells me and i stop looking at him, ''how do you know??'' i question him still pissed he told kayla about all this but im not pissed at him because i lied and said i told her so im more pissed off with myself.

''my uncle works in the station and your name came up across dinner yesterday'' freddie tells me making me stop and walk over to the blinds, pull one down slightly i see a cop car parked around the corner from here, now that could be for anyone but its not a coincidence that freddie has told me this and one is there.

''what did they say?'' i ask taking a drink of my water before wiping the sweat from my forehead, ive got a fight tonight kayla is coming to that so i need to keep it cool, plus this will be Lydia's amelias and Kayla's first time being in a place like that.

''they said that you have come up in their files more then once and if you make another wrong move they will be out for your arrest and questioning'' freddie admits and i laugh slightly, of course they fucking are because i bet widow dogged me in.

my mother wont get out of bed, shes not going to work or eating food shes just lying their, sleeping or just staring into space, ive asked and begged so many times that im getting tired of it. i ended up shouting at her this morning and calling her the worst mother in the world. which wasn't very nice of me i will admit but kayla heard me because she was waiting outside of her door.

but im tired of being nice, i cant be nice to the people who treat me like shit, deigo messages me everyday asking if im okay and if ive been taking care of myself, since that night in my bedroom where i admitted ive always been his its been nice hes been a private but not secret boyfriend kind of thing he hasn't really officially asked me to be his girlfriend so right now im just saying its a complicated thing going on.

''i will be back at 7pm see you later freds'' i tell him and he hugs me goodbye before walking to go help someone else, ''mads'' i hear crystal shout as im walking down the stairs, ''hey'' i tell her kissing her cheek before ''cant wait to see you fight tonight'' she tells me before walking up the stairs, i smile before walking out of the gym pulling my hood up i head to chases.

chase is a guy who widow hooked me up with, so basically im doing business for him from widow, i dont mind it to be honest it brings in good money and apparently ive got quite the reputation among these people. ''hey girl'' chase exclaims before giving me a side hug before walking into the kitchen.

''hey i needed to ask you something'' i tell him and he looks up at me before stirring whatever is in his pan on the stove, ''was widow ever known for messing around with underage girls or trying to even'' i ask wanting to know if hes done this before or if it was just kayla, chase has known him the longest so he would know.

''he fucks anything he wants maddy that's just the person he is, he takes what he wants when he wants and who he wants and no one can say anything to stop him'' chase tells me before adding butter to his concoction. ''but to answer the specific part of your question, yeah hes been caught with underage girls before'' chase tells me and i sigh before leaning against his counter.

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