Chapter Eighteen - Agony

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"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."

‒ Maya Angelou

Olivia Bennett

"This was the cruise our parents took us on when we were teenagers," Layla scrolled through old photos on her phone as we sat on the couch together. Aaron looked young and soft, and not nearly as intimidating as he does now with his big muscles and hard body. I could barely believe he was the same boy in these pictures.

"Wait, stop," I grabbed her hand not allowing her to scroll any further as I stared at a photo of Aaron holding a necklace. "I've seen that before." I pointed to the small silver infinity pendant that was in his hand.

She threw her head back in a laughing fit, "Of course, you've seen it!" She squealed. "I photographed this moment because back then, you would have never believed Aaron was buying jewelry for you." My eyes widened at her statement.

"He probably still has it," She continued scrolling and showing me old photos of their family, Aaron and herself. Pictures of Aaron in diapers and in high school, on the football field. I felt like I was learning a lot about him just by seeing these images but I partly wish I was learning them from him.

A loud gasp escaped Layla as she stared at her screen, "Awww! Look!" She turned her phone to face me and my heart skipped a beat at the photograph she was showing me. Aaron is in his jersey holding a girl in his arms on the field. It appeared he had just won a game and was celebrating with her.

It took me a moment to realize that girl was me. Aaron was holding me, kissing me, celebrating his win with me. As I looked at the photo, the memories of that night slowly came together piece by piece. That was the night of the accident. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to remember more.

Aaron convinced me to go to a party after the game to celebrate their victory against their biggest rival. We spent maybe an hour there before I began to feel sick and lightheaded so he decided it was best to drive me home. Most of my memory of that night is just black and full of nothingness but I remember the crash.

"Aaron, you have to slow down!" I shouted as my head spun in circles. I felt like I was slowly melting into the seat and the loud ringing in my ear wouldn't stop.

"I can't, Olivia," He glanced over at me and put his hand on my leg, squeezing it. I was laid back in the seat, trying to steady myself and get rid of the nauseous feeling but nothing was helping. I closed my eyes and took several breaths before realizing it wasn't going away like usual.

"I need to..." I could barely speak. "Hospital.." My voice was so quiet and breathy, I wasn't even sure if he had heard me but the sudden acceleration of the car clarified that for me. I didn't know what was wrong with me but it hurt, everything was hurting. My breathing was shallow, my eyes were blurry with black spots, and my head was pounding like a drum.

After a few blinks, I was laying on the rough cement, trying to lift myself from the ground when Aaron's voice told me to stay still. I glanced back at the vehicle that was now turned upside down on its roof to find him trapped in the seatbelt. All I wanted at that moment was to get to him and help him but I couldn't move. My body wouldn't allow any motion.

"Help," My rough voice muttered. Please someone help him.

"Oh, my God!" Anna's voice was familiar now. "H-hang on, I'll get some help!"

Finally, after about a minute of complete silence besides the hissing of the engine, a pressure erupted in my leg. I tried to move once more but my body still wasn't letting up. A sharp pain spread throughout my limb, causing me to yelp.

"Don't move, ma'am!" Kavanaugh. My eyes began to slowly close as he assessed my wounds, calling each one out to Anna. I blinked away the sudden tiredness I felt, trying to stay awake so I could get to Aaron. I focused on the words spilling out of Kavanaugh's mouth.

Fractured wrist.

Laceration on right leg.

Dilated pupils, no signs of HBP or diabetes.

A lump on the lower back.

"Anna, stay with her," He moved over to the car, "I'm going to help him."

"Of course," She kneeled beside me, holding my hand. I felt relieved by her kind gesture, I needed something comforting at this moment otherwise I don't think I'd make it. Everything was hurting, inside and out.

As she held my hand, she began poking around my body, causing pressure everywhere she touched. I winced when she placed her hand on my stomach and her hand abruptly stopped moving, "Liam..." Kavanaugh's name was Liam. "I think she's pregnant."

In that moment, everything stopped. The hissing engine, the cool air, my heartbeat, and my breathing, all came to a halt. I couldn't feel anything anymore, the pain suddenly vanished. I was no longer on the hard cement and Anna was no longer holding my hand, trying to comfort me. I was alone, with not a single sense of humanity in sight.

My body still wouldn't allow me to move wherever I was now, but I didn't want to anymore. Anna's four words echoed through my head, bouncing around like an annoying ball your mother let you play with while she did her shopping.

It felt good not feeling pain, I'd always wondered what it would be like to have no emotions or sense of anything around me. All of my life, I spent finding a way to cope with the trauma my family had caused me but now I didn't have to.

As I lay there, there was not a single thought to be had or a word to be spoken but I found myself longing for something. For Aaron. For the baby that's inside of me. For the big, happy, healthy family Aaron and I had always dreamed about. Our memories flashed through my head as tears slowly fell from my eyes and I wanted nothing more but to be with him, living in our future.

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