Chapter 2: Before Nevermore || Pt.2

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We are back boys, another chapter of this wing-off story. Reminder of what the key points are, for you guys (and me).

Fatherhood, Responsibilities, Consequences, Love, and Priorities (F.R.C.L.P)

Let's start.


Coming from the hospital, Y/n gently lands on the window of his room, opening it with his palm and sneaking inside. Closing it back up, he drops to the floor and takes off the mask. "Alright, should let May and Vi know I'm home" changing into yesterday's clothes(blegh), he walks out his room and heads downstairs. At the living room chair, May was reading the novelized story of 'The Corpse Bride' to Violet, with the girl admiring the artwork, and commenting how she wishes the dress was black.

"Emily should've changed her hair to something different for the wedding" she added. The webslinger smiled at them, he always enjoyed seeing them interact and notice how different it was from when Vi was first brought here. It reminded him of himself when he was in a similar situation... he doesn't miss those moments.

The rage he felt those days were immense and was before Violet came into the picture. His first few months at the Parker household Y/n was rude towards May, like a child having an attitude. Glares, scoffs, bitter comments- seems like he was full of angst. Yet, she still smiled at him each time he shrugged her off. Luckily, it all changed one night.

It was actually the first time he ever let anyone hold him as a matter of fact. After having heard sobbing coming from Peter's old room where Y/n slept, May found him sat up on the bed full of sweat and shedding tears. Saying nothing, she comforted him. He remembers how she held him in her arms, letting him cry into her chest. God, how he clutched onto her- he thought he would've broken a rib or two.

That embrace lasted a few hours... and after that night, he bashed himself for treating her that way, he later apologized when they were at the dining room table. Fully expecting her to demean him, she instead simply smiled and hugged him, before switching the topic on what to cook for dinner that day. Ever since, he swore to do right by her. Each time he was presented with a choice he asks himself, 'Is this something May would be proud of?'

.... then his Violet came into his life, bringing her to the house. May was worried, and furious when he did, it was a rollercoaster of emotions. But after explaining why the Violet was there, she immediately did a one-eighty.

Grabbing warm blankets, crackers, water- anything Vi could've needed. Y/n did some things too of course but was beaten by May being quicker. Once that woman sees someone in need, she can't be stopped, he admired her for it. It's where he found his want to protect the people, and the need to help others. Sure, Pete started those trains of thoughts, but he was too angry at the world to really listen and take it in.

It's Y/n's greatest flaw. His temperament can be dangerous, near deadly, depending on the circumstance. Thankfully, it's only gotten that bad a few times. First, when he was denied vengeance towards the people who wronged him and brought here. Second, when he found Violet in that filthy place, and finally when he caused Peter to go to the hospital.

Over time and with both of their help, he's gotten a lot better with his temper and has only experienced a few night terrors, it got even better when he met a girl that worked in Midtown. She was the most beautiful and smartest girl he's ever known, Alice Winters.

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