
17 1 2

(Ignore this short ass chapter it was more of to get a feel of 

their moring routine and how they met)

Fluer's POV:

"Mommy wake up we gonna be late" Alex said jumping on my bed. He always got energy in the morning. After a few minutes I finally got up pushing him off me going to the bathroom to start my moring routine. I took a shower while hearing Alex watching youtube in the room next door. When I got out, Alex and I did our little skin care routine, brushed our teeth and got dressed. I turned on 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' for Alex while I make breakfast. Driving Alex to school we listened to music before I had to get to college myself. Today's the first day of my third year of college and I'm finally glad I get to graduate in one more year. My high school allowed us to get out bachelors so I graduated with it and just went on to get my Master's which is only two-four years and I took the four year route.

Red' POV: 

I woke up to someone shaking me. "SORIN! WAKE UP" my mother yelled. Stay yelling at me early in the morning. "I'm up" i yelled downstairs mumbling 'damn' under my breath going on instagram and checking messages while I brushed my teeth. While I showered and picked out my fit for the day I had the news playing in the background. Today was the first day of college I took a year and a half off to take care of my mom who has stage 4 breast cancer that keeps coming back and she told me that I couldn't put my life on hold for her failing one. So here I am back in college after what feels like forever getting a degree in business.

~3 Hours Later~

I was walking around campus with Glocks, and Ron trying to find a spot to have lunch because it's nice out when I bumped into this fine shorty she was like 5'8 thick in the hips. "My bad ma." I said because I honestly wasn't looking were I was walking. "Yeah it is your fault watch were your going next time dimwit." she said walking away rolling her eyes making me do a head turn. "You just gonna take that?" Ron asked trynna be funny. 

"Oh hell the fuck no. My mother taught me to never put my hands on a female but that attitude right there is bout to make me become a woman beater because bitch who the fuck do you think you are. While I wasn't paying attention you were which means you should of walked out the way after seeing us walking this way." I said annoyed because who the fuck. The bitch literally tased me. She pulled a whole taser out her bra and fucking tased me had me on the ground twitching and shit making me know that's not one of those tasers you can get off the shelf but the kind that on those safety keychains on tiktok.

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