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Eri really stayed away from Riki. She didn't talk to him, she didn't even look at him. She felt bad. Very bad but she did it. She did it for Kyoka. Her little sister she loved so much.

Riki recognized Eri's behavior quite quickly. He knew she was doing it for Kyoka but he hated it when he came over to apologize (once again). Eri opened the door for him and just pointed towards Kyokas room. He nodded and walked to the room without saying anything. He felt sorry and sad. He had the feeling that Eri hated it just as much.

Eri didn't seem like herself anymore. He barely saw her at home when he visited. The normally so homely girl was constantly out and about. He wondered where she was all the time. Not that he was in a position to ask about the older girls whereabouts.

It seemed like she would purposely leave the house when she knew Riki was coming.

Kyoka was happy with the outcome. She had her Riki for herself. That's all she ever wanted. She simply ignored the fact that her boyfriend was suffering because of this.

The sisters got on with each other okay, since Eri was following the rules and held her promise not to interact with Riki. Eri hated the feeling but she knew it would save Riki a lot of conflicts. 

It was giving him as much pain as the conflicts would tho. Riki hated it knowing he is going to grow appart from Eri. He knew he was about to loose a friend.

Eri started hanging out with Heeseung way more often. She also got to know his friends Hana and Sunoo way better. They were really lovely and Eri liked hanging out with them.

One day the four of them went to a market and They bought these hideous but super comfortable Ahjumma pants.

„They are perfect for when I go home to make kimchi with my mother." Hana cheered while she looked at her purple pair of pants. Sunoo nodded. „Your mum will be jealous that you didn't bring her a pair." the blonde boy smiled and Eri smiled at them. They where really close. It was a beautiful friendship.

„You have to try kimchi from Hana's mother once. Its breathtaking." Heeseung then laughed. Eri nodded. „It must be very good kimchi. We tried making kimchi ourself once and it did not quite taste the way it should." Eri laughed and Heeseung smiled at her brightly.

Its been a few days since Heeseung broke things off with Oh Saeron. You could also see it in Hana's eyes. She was smiling and giggling with her friends but deep inside something was worrying the girl. Eri guessed she was still very shaken up from the traumatic meeting with Saeron.

Her mouth smiled but her eyes where the saddest Eri had ever seen.

Eri guessed Sunoo and Heeseung had taken her to the market to lift her mood or to distract her. It was very nice that they did that. They really cared about the girl. Hana was such a cute and lovely girl. Eri herself would hate it seeing Kang Hana sad.

The four of them strolled over the market got some fruit here and there and Hana got especially sad when she saw someone selling corn. It must have reminded her of something. Eri was curious but didn't wanted to ask because they also didn't ask why Eri was walking around with such a gloomy face.

Heeseung obviously saw that something was bothering the japanese girl but he wanted to wait till they were alone before he asked.

He hated seeing both of his girls sad.

At their stroll through the market Eri saw a familiar face. 


 She bit her lip and tensed up next to Heeseung when she had spotted the boy. He was walking around alone and was looking concentrated. Or was it a sad look? Eri couldn't tell. It was hard to read his face without actually standing infront of him.

That Feeling When. • Lee HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now