Chapter 23

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"Karlie. Come over. Now."

The green eyed girl held her phone up to her ear with her shoulder as she sat at her desk in her dorm room typing a paper for class. She had been working on it for so long that she could swear the words were starting to dance on the screen.

"I'm writing a paper! I told you that," Karlie reminds the girl on the phone as her fingers continue to punch against her keyboard.

"And if I have to hear the click of your keyboard for any longer I might just die," Cara interrupts from behind her. She was sitting on her bed attempting to read a chapter in her textbook, but apparently Karlie's typing was too distracting. The brunette removed her fingers from the keys and rubbed her temples before turning to her roommate.

"And what am I supposed to do about that? I have to finish this," she defends.

"Go to Taylor's"

"Come to mine"

Both girls speak in unison, one through the phone in Karlie's ear and the other from right in front of her. Karlie couldn't help but roll her eyes at how in sync both girls were.

"T, we both know I won't get anything done if I come over there," the brunette says into the phone with a sigh as she swivels back in her chair, turning her attention to her laptop once more. Her eyes flickered down to the bottom of the word document. 8 pages.

"That's the point! You need to take a break, Kar. This isn't even due for another 3 days," the blonde reminds her. That might be true, but Karlie had hoped to knock it out today so that she didn't have to worry about it for the rest of the weekend. "Plus, have you looked out your window?" Taylor asks. Karlie scrunched her face in confusion as she leans back in her chair, turning her gaze to the two windows that sit on the wall to the right of her. She couldn't see shit from where she was sitting. She sighed and stood up, walking towards the window. When she reaches it she looks down and is almost disappointed to see that Taylor isn't standing below.

"I don't get it. You're not here, are you?" Karlie asked as she scanned the sidewalk from above.

"No, dummy. It's snowing! Can't you see it?" She asks through the phone.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess. Is that why you called?" The brunette questions.

"Uh, yeah? Obviously? Did you not hear me? It's snowing, Karlie," Taylor defends. "Come over. It's your first snow fall as a New Yorker. It's monumental." Karlie stares out her window at the streets below as they dust themselves in white. A snow day with Taylor did sound pretty nice.

"Okay, okay. I'll be there in 20."


"You would invite me over just to watch the weather channel with you. You're such a dork," Karlie teases as she sits on the couch with a wool blanket thrown over her, watching Taylor crouch down to place another log on the fire that blazes underneath the television screen. A weather reporter drones on in the background as Karlie takes a sip of hot chocolate out of the mug in her hand.

"Hey! Don't be rude. It's a part of the experience," Taylor defends as she stands up, wiping her hands on her leggings. Karlie replies with a "mhm," obviously not satisfied. "It's like we're kids again! It's snowing and we're watching the news, waiting for school to be called off. You did do that, right? Or did you feel no joy as a child?" Taylor asks dryly, slipping herself back under the blanket with the brunette.

"Hey!" Karlie laughs, lightly hitting Taylor's shoulder.

"So, since you're obviously unsatisfied, what would you rather do?" The blonde asks, turning to Karlie with an expectant face. Karlie smirks, her gaze falling on Taylor's lips.

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