Chapter 26

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Warning: Smut ahead


"This is from Cara and I! Sorry we're broke," Jourdan said dryly as she placed a gift bag in front of Taylor. They had just eaten cake and moved on to presents.

"Oh, shut up. You didn't have to get me anything! Thank you," the blonde answered as she untied the ribbon that held the bag together. Inside was an Old Fashioned cocktail gift set, complete with all of the necessary tools and ingredients to make Taylor's favorite drink. "Oh my god, this is amazing and no one is safe," the blonde said dryly as she stood up, pulling each girl in for a hug. "Thank you!"

"We've never met a girl who liked whiskey quite as much as you do, so," Cara responds with a laugh. Taylor gives a shrug and a nod in agreement as she reveled at the gift, already wanting to open it and put it to use.

"And this one is from me," Selena says, placing another gift in front of the blonde. Taylor looked up at Selena in confusion. "What? I always get you something for your birthday, don't looked shocked," her roommate retorted.

"I'm just shocked that you're alive and seemingly well after being so drunk like... 2 hours ago?" Taylor replied with a laugh.

"Well it's your birthday! I had to puke and rally," Selena answers easily.

"Lovely," Taylor responds before tearing the gift opened. It was a leather bound notebook with a TS engraved on the cover. Taylor couldn't help but gawk over the beauty of the book, running her hand over it's cover, tracing the engraving with her fingers as she admired it. "Selena.. this is beautiful," she said softly.

"It's for songwriting. I know you just jot lyrics down in random places and then lose them so, now you know where they'll be," the roommate responds. Taylor smiles before standing up to engulf her friend in a hug, swaying her side by side.

"Thank you thank you thank you," Taylor says softly. When they separated from the embrace Taylor turned to revel at the book a little longer, flipping through it's unused pages. Suddenly a hand rested on Taylor's shoulder. When she spun around to see who it was she saw Karlie motioning for her to step away from the group. Taylor did so, taking a few steps away to talk privately with the brunette.

"I do have gifts for you, but I kind of want to give them to you when it's just us. Is that okay?" Karlie asked gently. The blonde nodded.

"Kar, obviously. But you really didn't have to get me anything," she replied.

"What?! Yes I did, Taylor! And even if I didn't, I wanted to. It's your birthday," Karlie responds as if that were the most outlandish thing she had ever heard.

"I know, I'm just saying that I know you're the one who planned today and made that cake and got all of the decorations... You've already made today really amazing, Karlie. That's a gift in itself," Taylor responded. Karlie smiled softly.

"Well everyone helped-" she started, but Taylor cut her off.

"Karlie," she said softly, as if she were telling her to give up the bit. "Thank you." The brunette smiled before pressing her lips against Taylor's.


"Party for Swift?" The hostess asked as she approached the group of girls that were now standing in the entrance of the bar and restaurant, waiting to be taken to their section.

"Oh yeah, that's us," Taylor answered as all the girls rose to their feet.

"This way," waved the hostess before leading the group through the restaurant and into a private room in the back. The restaurant itself was more upscale than any of them had realized, causing them to gawk at their surroundings as they passed through. It seemed that everybody who was dining there was probably important on some level. It was very New York elite, Karlie thought.

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