Ch12 The Battle Tower

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"An invite to a tournament held by Leon?"

"Uh huh. That's right. He jus' mailed it to me an' in his letter asked me to give you yours. MA and my lil sibs already all got one."

After seeing it was from Leon his curiosity peeked and he went ahead and opened his own letter reading the contents over before he decided to come and find you to give you the good news, and the copy of the invite Leon had included in the envelope with specific instructions asking him to deliver them to you. Of course he obliged, it also gave him an excuse to see his diamond in the rough. He smiled holding out the second invite to you knowing you'd want to have it as soon as possible, so he came right to your dorm room to hand it over.  you took the invite from him blinking down at it.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. I kinda already read through mine. There's gonna be some battle events and a party afterwards. All the gym leaders and their extended families are invited."... blue eyes smiled a bit wider at you. "Plus we each get to pick out a plus one as a date to the party. So I figured I'd ask my beautiful girlfriend for that honor.~"

You gave him a look raising a brow. "I-..Dunno if I'd be able to go Gordie."

And he seemed surprised. "Huh? But why?! Ya got a personal invite from Lee."

"Because I'm in college right now!" You gestured to your dorm room. "And this is taking place next month. Even without Christmas break, I'd still miss a few days of class. I don't know if they'd let me miss any days, and what if I start falling behind-"

"So you don't wanna go?"

"I DO!", you practically yelled making him blink back a bit, "I'd love to go with you! And I'd love to see all my friends again! But..I don't KNOW if the school would LET me go..And I wouldn't have anyone to take care of my pokemon while I'm gone."

Gordie fell silent for a moment ...before he again smiled and grabbed your shoulders gently, "Hey. Don't worry 'bout anythin'! I'm gonna talk to the dean and GET you that time off!"

"Really!? You'd do that for me!?"

"Absolutely! I'm not goin' if you can't come with me!" A small mightyena with a toy in his mouth walked past the both of you catching his attention, "And-...And-.." He blinked back to it surprised...before slowly pointing at it. "What is..that!?"

"Hm?" You turned your head. "Oh! That's Night. He's my new mightyena Cerberus kidnapped from Emerald."

He just looked back at you. "He's your new wot kidnapped by who from where!?"

-Small Time Skip-

"Tell me what's going on again there," he said while folding a shirt to put into the almost stuffed suitcase.

Elsa, who was helping her brothers packed, sighed. "We're invited to Wyndon's first ever Battle Of The Leaders Tournament to show the world Galar's strongest pokemon trainers. It's in honor of Prince Lear from the Pasio Region."

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