What's next?(edited)

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This chapter is dedicated to skywriter70 and Mustachmorgan for being awesome followers! Check out there pages and stories! Watch the video on the top, it's not mine but it's perfection! All rights to the creator of video! Also all rights to J.K Rowling. Also just want to say thanks to hermione_weasleyy and Lubnah10 for the follow! Enjoy this chapter!

I follow silently behind him noticing now how his hair was messed up due to wind blowing in our faces.I think it looks even better like that, showing how he is not always as prefect as he wishes to be.We walked in silence until we seemed to reach his destination because he stopped walking and told me to do the same. "This is were we are going?" I asked with a glance at what looked like a run downed, abandoned farm house.

"Clearly seeing as we are waking in this direction, Granger."

"Just a question Malfoy nothing to get your pantys in a twist about." I mutter but it somehow still catches his ear

"Oi heard that!"


He rolls his eyes but still looks at me this time looking me in the eye for a second to long before awkwardly looking away.

"Okay  while I'm going to change so.."

He still stands there still as if waiting for something before the realization hits him.

"Oh yeah..of course ..I'll just go over here."
He goes to the side of the barn where he is no longer in view.

I pull out a change of clothes from my clutch which I used an expanded charm on. It consists of a pair of dark denim jeans, a red sweater and coat, and finally I get to take my hair out which falls into curls due to a potion I took earlier so I wouldn't have to fight with my hair after the dance.

" MALFOY you can come back now!" I screamed hoping he would here me.
"COMING!" He screamed back.
He came back ready to go too, dresses in a jumper and jeans acceptable for a Malfoy.

"So? Am I to par with the Malfoy style?"

"You look acceptable."

I put a hand to my forehead smiling ear to ear.

"Do you think you could check my temperature?"

He smirks before answering."shut up."

"No I'm serious, the great Draco Malfoy just told me I looked acceptable. I really might just faint, I just had every girls dream!"

He chuckles this time ," Be quiet!"

"No honestly you need to check my temperature!" I say teasingly before grabbing his hand and pulling it to my forehead.

"See what I.."

I stop midway realizing what I did and how cold his hand is but how smooth and right it feels in my own. I finally left it go as we stare at each other.

He clears his throat before looking away and at the barn.
"Ok so lefts go then."

"Um yeah sounds good."

We walk into the barn and the cold air follows. I quickly do a heating charm again to shield myself from the hard wind and soaking walls inside. I had assumed it would be enchanted inside and not look so dreary like abandon barns do. I realize the situation now in he sense I am alone in a barn, abandoned barn, with Draco Malloy. This could either be a secret attack or actually be what he says it is. Is there a way to switch of your brain because I would really like to know?

"So are you going to explain this at all?"

"Just give me a second Granger!"

I scoff at the thought he isn't prepared because of course what he wants is first priority even if he hasn't planned it yet.


He's looking around the barn and I'm not sure for what so I just stand content in a corner that's far warmer then any where else in the room. Yet when I say this he smirks and his eyes reach mine.

"Wow was that attitude I heard from ms.Granger?"

Ok now I groan because ms.Granger seriously?

"Malfoyy I swear to god say that again I dear you."

"Okay and what are you gonna do about it?"

"May I remind you of our third year? A certain punch ring a bell?"

"Oh come on I was sick just had a cold and you took advantage of that and it was barely a slap!"

We both laugh at the audacity of his statement but then he continues.

"Even if I did deserve it."

He looks up at me again and smiles now, not a smirk, but a smile. And I have to say it looks good on him.

"You did."

"Oh come on now you ruined..., found it!"

"Found what? What are you doing Malfoy?"

He holds out a key  for me to look at.

"Touch it, lets get going."

The it clicks that this is a portkey.

"Ok if you think I'm gonna just touch this and gonna go somewhere in the entire world with you then you are sorely mistaken!"

He reaches for my hand and the next thing I knew we are no longer standing in that abandoned barn.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment where you think there going! Love you all<3

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